Monday, October 1, 2018



I long for the time
when I leave
for the land
where nobody will be AGAINST

the place after the comma
depends on the place of the comma
I thought
it’s philosophy
he said
take a sentence
write it twice
putting a comma
in two different places
„to love no,
killing is allowed”
„to love,
no killing is allowed”
has moved the place of the coma
many Times

I will wait a thousand years
and I will live
in a different world
without unnecessary cults
and I will love
against cold walls
against cold people
I’ll derive the warmth
from flowers
I will wait through a thousand years
of human hate

He’s walking
so self-confident
and sure of his view
what is the most just
the great politician
who knows
which person deserves to be
slagged off
I’m listening
not knowing
with a naïve question
who the great politician is

there are three crows standing
ruffling feathers
they haven’t even opened their beaks yet
but one already knows
that they will squawk
like people


AGNIESZKA JARZĘBOWSKA is the author of epigrams and lyric poems. She graduated from the University of Lodz. Whilst still a student, her first works were published in 1981 in the pages of “Dziennik Akademicki”.  Her works were also presented on the TV and on the radio stations. They were also published in the pages and the cultural magazine. In 2010 she published her debut book “Uśmiechy i uśmieszki”. In 2012 she published the continuation of  “Uśmiechy i uśmieszki” -  “Fraszkomat”. In the same year she also published a Polish-German book of poems “Miejsce po przecinku/Die Stelle nach dem Komma” and Polish-Serbian “Układam siebie/Slažem sebe”, in 2014 epigrams Polish - English “Nic/Nothing” and Polish – Lithuanian  “Przekładaniec/Slouksnio”, in 2017 epigrams “Nie ma żartów” and “Piąta pora roku - the fifth season”. Her poems have been translated into many languages - English, German, Serbian, Swedish, Lithuanian, Slovakian, Italian, Bulgarian, Russian, Nederland.

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