Wednesday, November 1, 2023



The Sleepless Nights Are Not In Vain


Anything can't be made from nothing,

but grain by grain, it will give bread.

How can those

who can't see beyond their nose

know that?

And in vain the Poet speaks with verses

to those who do not see

the charm in flight.

That is why he talks to fish and birds

and sends greetings to a flower and a child.

There are sleepless nights

where his thoughts wander

and until dawn his pencil bleeds.

He is hurt

by the scornful look from above,

it hurts him

when the big ones trample on the little ones

or swallow them,


he sees hope in words that have power

and firmly believes

that love is nourished by poems.

That's why

no sleepless night is in vain

as long as the pencil is

on the right side.


A Little More To Last


Nights and days,

joys and sorrows,

birth and death,

gray and purple…

Everything spins in a circle,

goes and comes.

We are scared, excited, tired,

happy sometimes.

But, no matter how hard

is the ride,

we don't want

to get off that carousel.

We want to be a part of it,

a little more, a little more ...

And no one knows

how much time he has left.

And no matter how uncertain it is,

we are surprised

by the stop

and we are unprepared

for the end.

We are thirsty

for another drop,

another moment,

before we are covered in dust,

before we are enveloped in silence,

A little more, a little more,

to last.


Everything will pass


You watch silently

as everything collapses,

as secrets are revealed

and everything in your life

becomes an open book.


And you would like to escape


clear mornings and moonlight

attract you...

Someone’s calling you!

He appears in a dream

and beckons with a smile.


you realize

that everything will pass.

You stand buried

as you rub your eyes.




SELMA KOPIĆ b. Šehanović is a professor of Bosnian language and literature, born on April 13, 1962 in Tuzla. Author of school textbooks, reviewer, trainer at seminars, lecturer…Many awards for poems and stories that are represented in anthologies and magazines in BiH and abroad. Most significant awards 3rd THIRD PRIZE '' Mak Dizdar '' for unpublished collection of poems '' Puzzle '', Stolac, BiH, 2008 and 1st prize for foreign poem, Italy 2020 poem '' I'm not ready to go yet ''. Selma Kopić is author published poems collection ‘’Sign’’, Tuzla 2020. ‘’The Monument of Love’’, Philippines 2020., ‘’Puzzle’’, Bulgaria/Germany and joint collection ‘’Cosmic Rainbow’’, 2021. India.

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