I move away from the center
Where you were a lamp
And I don't see anything except the quiver
of a candle that burns out
And there is no gleam of light in me.
If you don't move and multiply the beam
And its hotness doesn't singe me while
I am yet still close and burn me
Forcing me to turn back
And flare up again
From your glitter
It will be too late for a new swing.
The burned wings will stay by the train of my dress
And they will not rise up for a new flight
And it will not take you along
To a world where you have never been
But yearned to be so strongly.
If you persevere in silence
And push all the words into the corner of the soul
Hiding from yourself what I already know
You will never return
To a long longing voyage to yourself
Where there has always been
that which intoxicated you,
Imperceptibly and irretrievably,
Since you looked for yourself in me,
In that infinity so unknown to you, but needed.
If I leave, you will grasp the meaning of all,
This quaint encounter that happened to you,
Of the insights that you would never reach by yourself
Where I, even without my will,
By the grace of God, primevally belong.
Author: Mr Milica Jeftimijevic Lilic
Translation: Denisa Kondic
You are a black Moon that pulls me up
And I, enchanted, am climbing,
You are too present in the absence
We become one through your logos.
I am Lilith, always demanding.
You can come into me only through mind
You know that, and wait for my command.
The door of my innerself are high.
Only by a torch of words you can enter
Into the midst of the lucidity
That agitates my blood,
That embodies the river between us
To wash away our karma
Unseparated in the eternity of a poem,
To hide the midnight sun
That radiates intoxicating, but resisting.
As a black dove, I restlessly
Circle above you, suppress the pain,
Sweetly coo to call you
On the moonlight feast where I will dance
In white, like dervish, my vertiginous dance.
When you turn ready for all,
I will disappear.
Author: Milica Jeftimijevic Lilic
Translation: Denisa Kondic
That touch of the hands,
That sublime giving
Occurred beyond recall.
As if we washed death
From our hands
Everything that used to be
Between us for
We were gathered by the Logos.
As if we were born
In that joining of the hands,
In the bliss not felt before.
The water of the essence
Flows through us
Into our palms,
So that God's face
Reflects in it
And speaks through us.
God unites us , he is here to stay!
He has settled into our palms
And we keep Him to ourselves.
MILICA JEFTIMIJEVIĆ LILIĆ was born at Lovac near Banjska, Kosovo &
Metohija, on August 28, 1953. She graduated at the Faculty of Philosophy in
Priština, and won a master's degree in philological sciences at the University
of Belgrade. She was a professor at the University of Priština, and editor on Belgrade TV. She has
published the following collections of poems: Dark, Salvation (1955), The
Hibernation (1998), The Travelogue of the Skin (2003), and a collection of
stories The Subject-matter of the Case (2002). She has also published books of
criticism: Poetics of the Premonition (2004), The Epsistomlogical Illuminations
(2007), Critical Roots and Ranges (2011), The
Exactness of the Secret (2012)…Partenon buildings of stars, (poetry) ,Arka
Smederevo , Stari Kolašin,Zbin Potok,2015… She also writes stories for children
which have been published in Children's Papers, Unity and other newspapers. She
is representedin many anthologies and has many literary awards of national
importance as international...Her
poems and pieces of criticism have been
translated into Russian, English, Italian, German, French,
Hungarian,Macedonian, Turkish, Swedish, Polish and Arabic....more than 25
lenguages of world. She was vice President of the Association of writers of
Serbia, a member of literary society of writers of Kosovo and Metohija and a
member of the Association of Journalists of Serbia.
in Belgrade since 1999.
from the Serbian
Lazar Macura
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