Tuesday, October 1, 2019



(Formal Haiku)

Blowing in the wind
sweet lullaby of silence:
car honking its horn.

Something Will Happen

Often I would sit
or stand
in a transit bus
mystified at kaleidoscope of minds
churning unstoppable
cell phones
fingers whispering
as shapely images dance;
sometimes I position myself
on a cold, eerie sidewalk
juxtapose myself intently
in the heart of things
partly in, partly out
painting like Rembrandt, a Van Gogh;
sometimes I feel this immigrant blood
piping through tunnel of sorts
with guttural sounds
flowing, nurturing
affirmative action
in a mosaic of multiculturalism
diaspora roller-coaster
cradled in regulated legislation;
wherever I am
I am trapped like a mouse
cornered for a cat-kill
life line thinning
in fragmented spaghetti
thinking that something will happen
sooner or later
when the bell tolls.

Why Bother?

Why bother?
take a deep breath
and let it be …
if it’s not broken
try not to fix it;
why bother?
Life is full of urges
innovative sometimes
creative, productive
itching for you to look
beyond your box
but if you cannot bother
let it be…
‘cause if it’s not broken
why bother to fix it?

LEONARD DABYDEEN, Guyanese-Canadian  poet and member of The Society of Classical Poets (USA), Life Member of MetVerse Muse (India); member of Muse India Journal; member of Muse-Pie Press (Shot Glass Journal and Fib Review), contributor to Gandhi Way Newsletter (UK), Setu Bilingual Journal (USA),  Pratilipi blog: https://english.pratilipi.com/ His blog: https://ldabydeen.wordpress.com/ Free-lance writer and book reviewer; author of Watching You, A Collection of Tetractys Poems (2012), and Searching For You, A Collection of Tetractys and Fibonacci Poems (2015).

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