Friday, September 1, 2023



The Sun Never Loses


The sun never loses its shine

when you are tired, sad

of the life.

When it rains, doesn’t stop pouring.

Look at far away,

trust him, the sun

never is not lost.    he will shine.

Follows you everywhere

with hands on caresses her cheeks gently

You ask yourself what it is

what watching me behind the curtain

Those are the most beautiful eyes

that caress everyone and everywhere

and not just flowers,

how nice it smells in spring, never the sun

does not lose its shine

trust him always and now

it will not leave you



Sunce nikad ne gubi sjaj...


Sunce nikada ne gubi svoj sjaj

kada ste umorni, tužni


Kada pada kiša, ne prestaje da lije.

pogledaj daleko,

veruj mu, sunce

nikad nije izgubljeno. on će zablistati.

Prati vas svuda

sa rukama nežno miluje obraze

Pitate se šta je to

šta me čeka iza zavese

To su najlepše oči

koji mazi svakoga i svuda

i ne samo cveće,

kako lepo miriše na proleće, a nikad sunce

ne gubi sjaj

verujte mu uvek i sada

neće te ostaviti



The Destiny Of Love


To live, for someone

Knitted a wreath of flowers.

instead of a crown of hair,

let it adorn you

Fly to the sky, collect stars, hugging on the chest,

caress them...laugh with them...

look forward with them...

Woven, the fate of love is woven from golden thread….

embroider with crystal clasps, decorate.

With a voice, Jay bird, howl, call ...

Water from a playful spring, drink...

From your destiny of love



Sudbina ljubavi


Živjeti, za nekoga

Pleteni vijenac od cvijeća..

umjesto krune kose,

neka te krasi

Leti do neba, skupljaj zvezde, grleći se na grudima,

mazi ih...smij se sa njima...

raduj se sa njima...

Istkana, sudbina ljubavi je satkana od zlatnog konca...

izvezati kristalnim kopčama, ukrasiti.

Glasom,, Jay bird,, zavijaj, zovi...

Voda sa razigranog izvora, pijte...

Od tvoje sudbine ljubavi





Why universal brotherhood is failing

There is no socializing in collectives,

There are no actions with Eco socializing

we are all waiting for someone else,

criticism is the biggest weapon and we don't lift a finger.

Isn't it nice to make a feat with spesma to beautify it

Your surroundings.

Let's go on the offensive, help speed up the work

in our place, the country, clean up the environment,

and together raise the universal brotherhood to its peak.



Zašto univerzalno bratstvo propada

Nema druženja u kolektivima,

nema akcija s Eko druženjima

svi čekamo nekog drugog, kritika je najveće oružje

a mi prstom ne mrdamo.

Nije li lijepo spesmom napraviti podvig da ga uljepšaš

Vaše okruženje.

Krenimo u ofenzivu, pomozimo ubrzanju akcija

u našem mjestu,

državi, čišćenju okoliša, i zajedno podignimo

sveopće bratstvo do vrhunca......




SABAHETA ETA MERSIMI, born 1956 living at village Zitose _ North Macedonia, married, mother of 4 lovely children’s and 7 grandchildren. Pensioner, humanist, BORKA, for human rights of women. and marginalizing groups in rural area. Her hobbies from an early age are reading, writing poetry, creativity, Hobby writing. First participation in the anthology " Dance with death & quot, and then, regjale, Opa June 2021, reseetrese 21 ,,, International Festival Gostivar ,, Prayers 1200 ,, and the first independent Collection of Data Poetry, called ,, Imagination ,,. great enthusiast, sociability communicativeness, tirelessness, optimistic outlook on life rejoices and is satisfied with small things, draws themes and her inspiration is imagined 1st from the life of each individual, life, through encounters Communications come deep from the soul Painted on pieces of paper.


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