Wednesday, March 1, 2017




Mother, my dear lovely Mother
From dawn you daily wish me well
Your prayers have been for me
Your love and care undoubtable
Now I have grown deeper voice
Support my Dream with smiles

Mother I have chosen Poetry
In her I have seen my own Star
Illuminating every part of Earth
I have found console in Poetry
Its beauty is overflowing in me
I can't control my passionate zeal

Oh Mother!, my dear lovely Mum
Support my Dream with smiles
I have found deep love in human
Eternal love have I seen in Poetry
I have found peace with Mortals
No peace as precious as Poetry

Every word of my lips is pure
Mother I have chosen Poetry
In her I have seen my own Star
Illuminating every part of Earth
Oh Mother!, my dear lovely Mum
Support my Dream with smiles.


I have nothing to offer.
My lips are dry: no kisses,
My arms are too short
I can not hug your body_
Everything in me is dead
Just two things are alive:
My heart and poetry.

Would you take them and ask for nothing else?
Would you love me as I am?
Poetry is not a career
I make no dollar with it.

Would you love me
Without changing your clothes,
Without eating good meals,
Going to beautiful places;
And become as tiny as a pen?

would you love me the way I am?
I am a poet in search for love_
I need someone to care for my clouded heart
And if poetry fails to console me:
Someone who would.
Someone who would use her tears to bath me daily,
Someone who would manage me forever.

I am a poet in search for love,
Emotions and a shoulder
To rest my poor head on
Would you be my love
To give me pleasure of a woman
Would you love me the way I am?.


Thou arth at ease thine virtuous Queen
Betwixt Mortality and other we rest
The King is done I announce to thee!
Yes, I show no sympathy her Royal
And thy tears rolling is thy Will
Why then thus thou pump thy tears_
Doth thou envy his Highness's rest?
That from it thy tears thus begat.

Death a natural *phenomino is
He wanders from roof to roof
Picking just to make sorrow be
And if we cry: joy hath he to smile
Death hath done not much pain
Why maketh thee Death great feel?.

MEMBIS GODWIN a young Nigerian Poet born on January 15th 1999 I has won three International Poetry contest And has written over 500 poems most of which are published already.

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