Saturday, June 1, 2024






Like an ornamental piece 

She’s carved so beautifully 

Through every curve 

So beautiful!


Adding to the generations 

Creating histories 

She moves mountains 

holds the pangs of desires.


She’s an epitome of grace 

Never descending her age 

Her limbs often weak

Yet strong pieces of support.


Carries a magnificent smile 

With ardent charms 

She’s an ocean of femininity 

Like the waves of sea.


Only if you are 

A good swimmer…

You may play safe 

With every tide of hers

Falling and rising swiftly.


She is a fantasy of dreams 

Carrying her ambitions 

Ever flaunting 

In her speculations.


Be it childhood, youth 

Or an old age,

She carries all the stages 

Of her life in one baggage!!


Wild Expectations 


Let me die in the emotions of your love !

Finding treasures of trust 

Deep in your heart,

Longing for the thrilling secrets you hold in the gushing tides…

The never-ending wild expectations

 I see in this paradise,

Let my lips taste the salts of your soul.

The melody of your ecstasy is enormously infectious ….

The dreams of lust are wild and mysterious.

Lemme find the bliss of my love …

where the sea kisses the shores endlessly 

By the passing breeze of awakening love…!!


Only If Love Could Be Measured


Ahh, only if love could be measured! 

He asked,

“How much do you love me?”


I said, “Only if you could count…

Mine innumerable heartbeats, 

Or keep an account of my breaths …”


Tell me, is love not holding 

each other in the moment of grief?

To be gratified when all is well!

Like Autumn breeze 

Caressing unendingly 

Through the trances,

Like the fragrance 

In the zephyr...!

The willows permeating scents 

Rivers flowing perpetually 

Clusters of galaxies 

Chords of the Universe 

Calmness of the night 

Depths of the sea

The greatest treasures ever...!


Love is not illusions 

Or fairy tales

It is an entity 

You reciprocate to,

Forgive and be resilient.


Love keeps dwelling 

For there’s no yardstick 

Measuring MINE love…!

from ages past, present and forever.


Tell me…


Can YOU measure 

Mine love for THEE…!!!!




PARVINDER NAGI: is born and brought up in the coastal city of Mombasa, Kenya, East Africa. Having dedicated her career to shaping the minds of future generations as a principal from distinguished senior secondary schools in India. Parvinder is a national award winner from NCERT, New Delhi for making teaching and learning process easier through the classroom aids for both the teachers and pupils. Parvinder’s poetic journey begins with a great inspiration from her visit to the museum and Dove cottage a residence of vulnerable poet William Wordsworth in Grasmere, Lake District, UK. Her passion for poetry found recognition when she was bestowed with the prestigious accolades in a national poetry contest orchestrated among a gathering of over 2000 poets from across

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