Saturday, June 1, 2024



Veiled Barbs


They are thrown at me

So often from a deadpan face

Or with a dissimulating smile

I wonder

How can someone hurt another with those

Veiled barbs which pierce the heart

And draw blood that gradually dries inside

Leaving a scar,

While darkness swallows the grief

The whole world says they are the best lovers!


I wonder

How can God create such exquisite pretending evils,

Someone who believes in the silliest superstitions

Because a grandmother told it

Yet uses rational thinking like a machine

A computer brain

Yet pleased with inane activities

And burgeoning bank accounts!


I don’t know

If it’s jealousy or irrational fear

That has a stronger clasp on the mind

That makes someone want to

Make others suffer for his own sufferings!!!


 I am overpowered

When attacked with veiled barbs

Or naked sharp arrows

With narrowed brows

And crooked lips,

When there’s no chance to

Trap the neck between the fingers

Or coil the hair around the fist to hold the ego down,

For someone has learnt to control the anger

Yet often reeks of secrets and guilt!!!


Though I fail to comprehend men

No more I care  if I am hurt

Or feel trapped,

I now know

Men are like wild creatures free to prowl

With a hunter’s instinct

Or a master’s caustic, wandering eyes,

Sometimes pretending a saint’s doubtful dignity

Women can return the barbs or blunt the arrows

With their feminine charm and beauty!!!


Haunting Loneliness


Since you have silently

 slipped out of this world, I feel haunted,

I hear your voice everywhere

In the mellowed tunes of the wind

In the cooing of the pigeons on the cornice of the garage wall

In the chanting of the lone parakeet's longing for her lover

I feel the vacuum, the haunting loneliness

You have left me hankering for your love.


When I hear the scream of the jackals

panicked by the bear scratches

Or the vultures screeching in the sky

The dogs bellowing at night as if they see

the God of death very near,

I feel you are somewhere nearby

Is it that you are haunting for my soul

Or your soul is haunting to remind me

of the promises we made?


Eloquent Silence


Silence is more eloquent than words

But silence is very rare

Throughout my life I have uttered

Numerous words fondly

Yet I failed to express the wish

 In the deepest corner of my heart.

A long time I spent in my life

Building a monument of words.


The monuments shake and shudder

When I feel the tremors in my heart

Silently I to you surrender

All my unspoken woes I suffocate!!!


To achieve peace in life

The path of silence did I choose

But my soul became a store well of words

Which on papers through ink I spread!


You taught me Lord, through Nature

That Silence is more eloquent than all words

In silence I pray and surrender

Though with words I offer my devotion!!!


Through silence, I hope to touch

The peak of contentment and peace

Cause so much violence is thrown at me

Through words and hateful speech.


Silent like an incense stick

I wish to spread my aroma around

In silence may I serve the purpose of my life

Not like the drum or conch I want to sound!!!!




Dr SUMITRA MISHRA, Retired Professor of English, Former Principal of Government Women’s College, Sambalpur.25 years of experience as Associate NCC officer, Rank: Major. Bilingual writer with 23 published books in Odia and 8 books in English. Associate Editor of a Women magazine Smruti Santwona. Life member of Odisha Lekhika Sansad. Spouse: Professor Gangadhar Mishra, Former Director, Higher Education, Odisha.


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