Saturday, June 1, 2024




The Thoughts We Think


The thoughts we think are what we act upon

the more pronounced the more that's guaranteed:

as sure as light increases with the dawn

so come to light the features that we feed.


Proclivities will reach the surface side

and give away such secrets as we'd hold

for borne that brand what else but we'd abide

till, in the end, all secrets have been told.


What's manifest is what's contained within

disclosed in this the courting at our core

prevailing prompt repeated once again

as sure as waves that wash upon the shore.


The thoughts we think are what we represent

the deeds we do but done to that extent.


Without Halt Or Hesitation


Investigate your own truth

and be neither swayed nor dismayed

by words that others might speak

in disfavour, for it is your journey,

your endeavour and your vision,

which, in the end, add up to the sum

total of all your parts. Be yourself,

then, and fear not the day, nor

the descending darkness, for that truth,

which you seek and, hopefully, will find,

is ever a guard and ever a shield

and the thing that, without halt

or hesitation, forever sets you free.


To This Day What Matters Most


I once told the sun I did not wish for it to shine,

but the sun broke through the cloud, and I

could do nothing but resign myself to its reality.


I once beseeched the moon that it should fill

the nighttime sky, but the moon did not appear.


I once asked the wind to refrain from shaking up

the trees, but the wind ignored my pleas.


I once asked my heart to not betray me, for I did

not wish for it to break, but my heart did not listen:

it would take its chances, its destiny to find.


I once denied my love for the person of my dreams,

but it was a sweet kiss that took the fallacy from

my lips: love was stronger than all of my demands,

all of my desires, and all of my denials.


To this day, the sun still shines, the moon still hides,

the wind still blows, but what matters most is that

my heart still chooses and my heart still knows.


Speaking Well Of You


In your love is light and it sets things right

In a world that's oft askew,

And the job well done is a battle won,

And that's speaking well of you.


Such a difference made when it all is weighed

You're a blessing, tried and true,

And we're moved ahead when it's all been said,

And that's speaking well of you.


Not a stone unturned there are lessons learned

Of the kind we never knew,

And you've led the way which is why we say

That it's speaking well of you.


A Poet And More


"At the touch of a lover,

everyone becomes a poet."



His words were precious few,

his manners not quite refined,

his views on the affairs of

the world of the limited kind.


But he did have his charm,

a kindness worthy of praise,

and that spoke volumes in

the world with its limited days.


He gave her roses red

and candies and smiles galore,

and that in her mind was

the world of a poet - and more!




RICHARD DOIRON: Canada's peace poet, published 60 full years. Work translated into all major languages (UN); poetry published in hundreds of paper books, personal and otherwise; author of biographical works and novels; winner of numerous international awards; nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize.

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