The Night Is Silent
Decorated with golden and silver accessories
Ships sailing quiet and retiringly
The bay is pearl-necklace, its anchored vessels
You might think they attend a wedding glamorously
How nice to be on holiday
To be in a balcony on holiday
To look appreciatively at life
From the balcony dreaming the boundless sea
The sun went for resting, we bid farewell for it
The moon is about to rise, everywhere is in
Silhouettes are flying in front of my eyes
We stayed in the sun to much in the present
The summer night is hot, the doors and windows are
There is live concert by the cicadas
An owl is crowing from a distance
An ominous news is about to arrive
The number of silhouettes increased
The crowds are flying in silence
They COME to the ROOF from the trees
They’re not a blackout, there are bats…
Gece sessiz
Altın ve gümüş takılarıyla süslenmiş
Sessiz sedasız süzülen gemiler
Körfez inci gerdanlık, demirleyenleri
Sanırsın pırıltılı elbiseleriyle düğündeler
Ne güzel şey tatil
Tatilde balkonda olmak
Balkondan engin denize hülyalı
Hayata şükrederek bakmak
Güneş gitti dinlenmeye, uğurladık
Ay doğdu doğacak etraf alaca karanlık
Karaltılar uçuşuyor gözümde
Güneşte bugün fazla kaldık
Yaz akşamı sıcak, kapı pencere açık
Canlı müzik var Ağustos böceklerinden
Baykuş ötüyor uzakta
Uğursuz bir haber gelecek
Karaltılar çoğaldı
Kalabalıklar, sessizce uçarak
Göz karaltısı değil yarasa bunlar…
07 2018, Tavşancıl
Cemetery Plot
I didn’t care when I was young
Bury me, wherever I die
I used to say
I was not free of paying rents in life
My thought changed with increasing age
Now, I look for
A plot, far away from the city
And in white marble with a view of the sea
For not to move out after getting buried…
Mezar yeri
Gençken dert etmezdim
Gömün beni derdim
Nerede ölürsem
Kiradan kurtulamadım ömrümce
Yaş ilerleyince düşüncem değişti
Arıyorum şimdi
Şehirden uzak beyaz mermerli
Deniz manzaralı bir yer
Gömülüp taşınmamak için…
28 03 2018
A Candidate For Father
You are young, and you want to marry
Give it a rest to breeding
Ask yourself what you whether you deserve or not
To demand a child
You used to think that you are shrewd
You thought your short foolishness was love
You found a maid like an angel, and you got
In fact, you became the servant of that woman
Most of the time, love is a passionate imitation
As you become a painful fire and drinking
The goblets of love full of heartaches
They should give torch-like light
Illuminating the road taken by love
Have you built and prepared yourself
As you have been longing for a child?
Can you stand tall?
Can your heart stand tall?
With the consent of the Creator
With the words of the Prophet
Have you found, in earnest,
The love you have looked for?
Ask yourself one more time
Are you ready?
To build a child so supreme
Above your existence…
Baba adayı
Gençsin, evlenmek istiyorsun
Bırak şimdi üremeyi
Sor kendine layık mısın?
Çocuk istemeye
Kurnaz sanıyordun kendini
Aşk sandın kısa budalalığını
Melek gibi bir hizmetçi buldun evlendin
Oysa hizmetçisi oldun şimdi kadının
Sevgi çoğu kez tutkulu bir taklit
Sancılı bir ateş olup içerken sen
Acı dolu kadehlerini sevginin
Meşale gibi ışık vermeliler
Aydınlatmalı sevgiyle gidilen yolu
Çocuk özlerken
İnşa ettin mi kendini?
Dik durabiliyor musun?
Dimdik durabiliyor mu ruhun?
Yaratanın rızası
Peygamberin kavliyle
Buldun mu ama sen
Sahiden aradığın gerçek sevgiyi?
Sor bir daha kendine?
Hazır mısın?
Kendinin üzerinde yüce bir
Çocuk inşa etmeye…
16 06 2019, 04:16
Is it a golden boat you presented to me
Its glitter dazzles my eyes
Look, my feet are just moving
To dance with you
I leapt towards you
You escaped to go to the snakes
Your crooked and amorously looks taught wrong ways
My feet got to know to act sneaky
I love from a distance
I am fearful of being near you
Your escape attracts me
Your pursuit agonizes me
This road is full of caves and shrubs
Bats and owls
Where did you learn to howl like this
I am scared, and I will be on the wrong road
Your coldness sets alight
Your escape ties
Your hatred is seductive
Is there anybody who did not loathed you?
Where are you dragging me now
You are ungrateful and arrogant
As I was trying to jump on your side
I fell down again
I got tired of your twists…
Altın bir kayık mı bana sunduğun
Pırıltısı gözlerimi alıyor
Bak ayaklarım kıpırdıyor işte
Seninle dans etmek için
Sıçradım sana doğru
Sen yılanlarının arasına kaçtın
Arzu dolu eğri bakışların yanlış yollar öğretti
Sinsilik yapmayı öğrendi ayaklarım
Uzaktan seviyorum
Yakından korkuyorum senden
Kaçışın çekiyor
Arayışın acı veriyor
Bu yol mağaralar çalılıklar
Yarasa baykuş dolu
Kimden öğrendin böyle ulumayı
Korkuyorum şaşıracağım yolumu
Soğukluğun tutuşturuyor
Kaçışın bağlıyor
Nefretin baştan çıkarıcı
Nefret etmeyen hiç oldu mu senden?
Nereye çekiyorsun şimdi beni
Seni nankör kibirli
Yanına sıçramaya çalışırken
İşte düştüm yine
Yoruldum artık cilvelerinden…
12 06 2019, 04:03
İRDELMEN: Born in 1952,
he is a medical doctor. He has been active in his profession for 45 years, and
he lives in Istanbul. He is married with four sons, and five grandchildren, two
of them granddaughters and three of them grandsons. His selected poems have
been published in English, Greek and Spanish languages in various anthologies,
international poetry festival collections in the country and abroad. His new
poems appear in prestigious literary sites and magazines printed at home and
abroad. Apart from his Professional book translations and papers, his seven
poetry collections were published by the Artshop Publishing House: His
published poetry collections: Aynen Abi! Dediğin gibi… (Exactly so Brother!
Like You Said) Oluşum Ve İnsan… (Formation and Human Being…) Aynen Abi! İyi
geceler… (Exactly so Brother! Good Night…) Aynen Abi! Uğrar Alırım… (Exactly so
Brother! I can Pick it up…) Mevsimlik Şiirler - 1... (Seasonal Poems -
1)(bilanguage TR+ENG)) Aşka Dair… (About love) Yeni ve Seçme Şiiler… (New and
Selected Poems…)(bilanguage TR+ENG)
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