Sunday, August 1, 2021





O Earth, Stop!!


O Earth, Stop! Stop! Stop!

Every time you go around

No shouts of joy but

Moans an’ cries will sound.

Haven’t you got dizzy, busy

Feeding the thankless

From your fields and trees?


O Earth, Stop! Stop! Stop!

Every time you spin

Your dwellers fight

Where none will ever win.

Don’t you feel sorry, unhappy

Offering yourself to those

Who're losing your keys?


O Earth, Stop! Stop! Stop!

Every time you revolve

Your tenants make problems

They never want to solve.

Haven’t you been steady, ready

With the wisdom of survival

For those who have become

So violent, so suicidal?


O Earth, Stop! Stop! Stop!

Your volcanos, hurricanes

Tsunamis, pandemics

Everyone owes and fears!

We will repent, watering

The green we denuded

You from, dear mum,

With floods of tears.


So, earth, Stop! Stop! Stop!

To start dancing instead,

Roll with our dreams

Where we’ll escort you

With your countless flowers!

We’ll breathe out an’ spread

Your fresh breeze

Through the whole universe

To echo the resurrection hymn 

To all the generations

Of our dead!

A lyric for international choir by




The Multi-One


I’m one

Yes, I’m only one,

The human being

That God brought

To this existence

Of multiplicity.

I have one tongue

To speak out

My joys and sorrows

Though heard

In many languages.

I have one skin

That feels caresses

And whip’s lashes

Though looks

In many colors.

I have one heart 

Beating on rhythms

Of likes and dislikes

Of faith and doubt

Though following

Many religions.

I have one mind

That tries to tell me

It’s Our ONE God’s Grace


George Onsy@copyright2019



In Search For A Humanistic God


In memory of that historic Friday,

Away from all churches,

All religions, all beliefs,

I’d just like to recall in writing

A Divinity that so loved

The humanity He had heartily made

A God who so admired

The man’s image He’d been

Eternally dreaming to mould

So that he came down

Once into our long history

To show us in His Incarnation

How a human being can be;




Although he may also be




Yet, the voice of Resurrection

Always says loud, so loud

The final living WORD.





GEORGE ONSY (b.1953) is an Egyptian thinker, poet, artist, and a Professor of English and Art-architecture History at The Egyptian-Russian University, Cairo, as well as other academies.His outstanding works of poetry and art calling for a universal unifying spirituality have been published in several international printed anthologies, magazines and e-zines. He is a recipient of several awards notably "The Global Icon of Peace Award”-2017 and “The Most Outstanding Peace Poet-2017” - 2018 (Nigeria) and “The Best Poet Award”-2017 (World Nation Writers Union, Kazakhstan). Many of George’s poems have been published in more than 40 international anthologies and featured in poetry magazines and broadcast in different countries. His works have also been translated into different international languages like Telugu, Odia, for India as well as Chinese, Greek, Italian, Spanish. He himself also writes poetry, in Arabic, French, Spanish, Italian, German and Russian beside English.

George Onsy has been lately nominated by many thinkers, writers and conference organizers round the world for Nobel Prize.

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