Only Your Heart
One day at
midnight I’ll whisper the truth
Quietly into
your ear –
Only your heart
will hear.
Words are
deceitful, lies sound smooth
Trapping your
mind with the flow…
Only your heart
will know.
Only your heart will
best recognize,
At any time, day
or night,
Whether it’s
black or white.
Only your heart
is that loving and wise.
Trust me, it
will never cheat.
Listen, listen
to it!
Fighting The Dragon
I wouldn’t throw
a stone at you.
Don’t wait for
my reproof.
I’ve seen a more
impressive queue
Of those who
stood aloof
To change my
weird point of view
And make me
mortal too.
You took me
wrong. But only few
Сan hear me as
you do.
I won’t rip out
my heart for that
It loves and can
The one who
hasn’t found me yet,
But cursed the
way I live,
Who calls me to
betray my folk
And my ancestral
I wish you knew
what you invoke
And whom you
praise as braves.
My knight, you
want me to agree
On who is good
or bad.
Perhaps you
dream to set me free,
But rather make
me dead.
You plan to kill
my dragon guard.
Alas, nobody
The dragon is to
save my heart
From vain and
greedy foes.
A lot of
cowards, fools, and crooks
Have asked for
my hand.
Despite their
swords, despite their looks
They met a
shameful end.
I am no prisoner
for life.
Nobody locked my
And to be
honest, only love
Can be the real
The War
What do you need
to hate a monster
And wish him
How dreadful
must have been he once to
Take out your
What an enormous
threat is shown on
His smiling
How many weak
points of your own,
To your
The Universe
reflects your soul,
The ways you
And if your
thoughts are mean and foul,
You smell the
When you are
gracious, in reply
You get one’s
When you admit
someone must die,
You kill
It’s rather hard
for all of us,
No matter what,
To stare into
the looking glass
We call the
We lose illusive
wars outside,
But who will win
The only war
that’s worth of fight,
The war within?
Frankly Speaking
Another break of
day – another try to talk.
I see it's hard
to you to pick up clever words.
It's all been
said before, my little groundhog,
It all, and even
more, much more than pride affords.
And all your
precious gems, as far as you can see,
Have never made
a change, however much you spoke,
As if against
the wind one's paddling through the sea,
And cannot move
an inch in spite of all the work.
You watch me all
my life and count my sins aloud.
No doubts, there
are more than seven on my list.
No doubts, you
can judge. If I lived on the cloud,
I'd have already
killed me thrice or twice at least.
Because it's
vastly easier to target from above
Where everything
is clear despite the overcast.
But you're much
too kind or just too much in love.
You simply
contemplate how long the game can last.
I guess, it
won't be long: I haven't learnt to fly,
And I can't sing
my song directly from the stage.
It's only in my
dreams, where I am able to cry.
In real life my
voice is locked into the cage.
But what if even
you can't realize the truth?
What if you see
its face, but fail to recognize?
I guess, that
were it fate, you wouldn't need my proofs,
You wouldn't be
so blind up there in your skies.
Almighty God
sometimes can't jump above His head.
Yet you can
laugh at me, and I will laugh with you.
And maybe it
will help to stop me going mad,
For, frankly
speaking, I have nothing more to do.
old. Born in the USSR in a small northern town, now living in Russia with her
children and working as an English teacher. Since the early childhood she’s
been in love with nature: dense forests, rivers and lakes, mountains and seas.
She has travelled a lot, and it’s always a source of inspiration. Her other
hobbies are photography and art. She loves to draw pictures, and she hardly can
imagine going on a trip or just for a walk without a camera. Galina has written
poetry since her school years. About 15 years ago she composed
her first poem in English,
inspired by her friend from abroad. And thanks to poetry she found good friends
all over the world.
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