Wednesday, November 1, 2017



Classical Sonnet


She, Anjezë Gonxhe Bojaxhiu,
The Blessed Theresa of Calcutta.
With fingers cleans every tissue in man,
Collects on the globe, kisses every crumb from the bread.
During the prayer in God there is a bridge,
People passing, Jesus, the prophets.
Triggers the bone of the heart firmly as a stone
In India land discovered by bees.
Washes "baby-ideas" home-grown home,
Rivers in the desert - her scarf,
Bent inside the tear drop is.
Albania - the top, climbs wrinkles- scales,
The Four Holy Books keeps on the breast,
All her life- is living alive.

Translated By Prof.Tyran Prizren Spahiu- Kosova

Sonete klasike


Ajo Anjezë Gonxhe Bojaxhiu,
Tereza e Bekuar e Kalkutës.
Me gishta pastron çdo ind te njeriu,
Mbledh në glob, puth çdo thërime prej bukës.
Gjatë lutjes në Zot bëhet një urë,
Popujt kalojnë, Jezusi, profetët.
Shkul eshtrën e zemrës e ngul fort si gur
Në tokën Indi zbuluar nga bletët.
Lan “idetë- bebe” çup- çup në shtëpi,
Lumenj në shkretëtirë- i saji shall,
E kërrusur brenda pikëlotit rri.
Shqipëria- majë, ngjit rrudhat- shkallë,
Katër Librat e Shenjtë i mban në gji,
Gjithë jeta e saj- vdekja e gjallë.


Do not have right, poet, for love,
When the body's packaging collects hatred.
You have no right, madam for poverty,
When you have stress from beggar, avoiding yourself.
Do not have right, the president, for congratulations,
Every day, in your hands grow bodies.
Do not have right, UN, for speeches,
In the assembly, the chosen devils are enlarged.
You have no right, you priest, in the diocese,
Cotton robe with those scandals,
From the dirty lust tentacles with dew .
You have no right, you imam, in the graveyard.
Kamikaze in murder, why did not stop it?
Only Mother Theresa  has the right.

Translated By Prof.Tyran Prizren Spahiu- Kosova


S’ke të drejtë, poet, për dashurinë,
Kur ambalazh i trupit mbledh urrejtjen.
S’ ke të drejtë, zonjë. për varfërinë,
Kur stres ke nga lypësi dhe shmang veten.
S’ke të drejtë, president, për urime,
Çdo ditë në trupin tënd mbijnë duar.
S’ke të drejtë, OKB, për fjalime,
Në asamble zgjedhur djaj të zmadhuar.
S’ke të drejtë, ti prift, në dioqeza,
Grenxë me mantel me ata skandale,
Prej epshit të pistë- brith me qelb vesa.
S’ke të drejtë ti, hoxhë, në vorreza.
Kamikazin në vrasje, pse s’e ndale?
Të drejtë ka vetëm Nënë Tereza.


Do not say one, two, three,
"man-air" be,
no the "spider-man"
act quickly,
where you can,
dust on the tombstones sweep,
and satellite wastes if you can
and other remnants in the cosmos,
to souls share the two colors of smoke,
darkness and light,
include a worm under earth and,
tree branches - horizon shake,
free fruits for land as full as possible,
be careful with the morning, very careful,
of the bride, of the son-in-law at daybreak,
the Aphrodite star-diamond from the Paradise,
circular sky - ring for this stone,
twin souls of two,
marriage ring
not in the finger.


The Holy Sanskrit syllables,
in the voices of migratory birds,
at the swallows in particular.
Say, this black and white bird,
mud for its nest
from where, the first man,
was formed,
takes .


Unstoppable load,
the globe bit aside from the weight of the burden,
world towards the downfall,
my body is on the pillar under I put it, as I live,
footsteps - at heart up to the end,
so do you  with your body, as long as you live,
after you the other, the other, the other,
with their own body, as long as live,
up to the last person, last  of his breath,
only at that very moment the globe in its place,
without the weights issues of people.


HAMDI ISMAIL MEÇA: He is one of the well- known authors of the Republic of Albania. He was born on September 6, 1952 (Kruja- Albania). Is poet, prose writer, publicist, essayist,and scholar. University degree in "Language Literature". During the years of work he also carried out other specific qualifications. For 40 years, became an author of over 40 volumes in prose and poetry.  The author and his creativity are valued at significant prizes, numerous honors, national and international honorary titles. The poems have been translated into several languages.

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