Tuesday, February 1, 2022





Pure Love


How can I reject the love

If it comes from the bottom of heart

The sun will be angry

Since it makes one be happy to enjoy


Keep the pure in heart

That makes this world be more beautiful

It is like blooming daffodils under the trees

It grows when the sun enlightens in the spring


Keep the pure love in mind

As a root of life

That makes heart be peaceful

To ensure life be like a melody


Nobody rejects the pure love

If it brings happiness in the lives

That is the only grasped by the lovers

Where the love is in one’s heart


That may not break into pieces

To keep love is like to taste an apple on the trees

That makes a pleasure for a while

Try to give the meaning of love


As far as you can

Before coming to sleep all days

Since the pure love is like moonlight

To enlighten the lives

November 4,  2021. Copyright



Musical Dance


My hands were dancing with the music

Dancing without singing

The music I joined to dance is from the piano

My heart burst into happiness


Since the music I joined to dance is magnificent

The muisc were playing while my friends were dancing

From that I knew dancing made my little body healthy


The music I joined is unforgettable

It was the music of my birthday

I keep dancing

Until I come to die


Dancing will make the life be more happy

If it will be followed by music and song

But I am not so well in singing

I just only know how to dance with my fellow poets


Dancing is one of my favorite sports

That seems to be done in the rainy days

To soothe thy mind while I am in the pandemic

To enlighten my heart to get rid from


The virus will go away from the mind

Since it spoilt thy heart and let me die

How cruel it is to kill

Let it go away from the world I live in

November 5,  2021. Copyright



My Love Is Not Like What You Think


My love is not like what you think

It is like a red red rose under the trees beneath the hills

The only thing I worry about is the sun

If thy love is not merely from the deep heart


My love is not like what you think

It is like daffodils under the mountains

No measure to grasp how far I keep

That brings me to peace


My love is not like what you think

No matter if you come to see

But I am in the love really

To enlighten the world before I go to sleep

To enlighten the world before I go to sleep


My love is not like what you think

It is not like the love of monkeys on the trees

It differs from others as you are in thy heart

It sounds like a melody in the spring

November 5, 2021. Copyright




SIAMIR MARULAFAU is Assoc. Professor and a lecturer in Faculty of Cultural Sciences, University of Sumatera Utara, Medan-Indonesia. He was born in Nias, a small island located at North Sumatera- Indonesia. He has been teaching English Language and Literature for almost 36 years. He has written and published 9 poetry anthologies. Two poetry anthologies were written in English. They are entitled “Lighting” and and “Humanity”. While others were written  in Indonesian language such as : “ Cintaku di Danau Singkarak”, Kasih Tak Putus”, “ Bahtera Dalam Ayat”, “Taqwa pada Allah”, etc. He had conducted seminar as a presenter and speaker in many countries like in Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, other cities in Indonesia such as in Jakarta, Banda Aceh, Yokyakarta, He is active in writing poetry and reciting poems in Malaysia and some other places as well.

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