Thursday, August 1, 2024




The Belle Of The Village*1


The Bedouin beauty unveiled her veil

The light of her life shone brightly

A delicate, delicate melody

Guitar strings encircled her waist

Pearls hung from her necklace

And her braids were let down during the night

Beauty glowed from the redness of her cheeks

And chastity sealed the cups that he witnessed

A redhead who makes jujubes jealous of Lamaha

Beautiful face, how beautiful her features

She is sweet-talking and has a gentle tongue

He ignites a fierce war that can only be blinked by

The magic of her moment kills her


*2*numb stepdaughter *


Farmer...The Face Of The Moon

When It Appears


The full moon of the sky, if it rises and appears

The liner of her eyelids in the dark nights

The blush of embarrassment in her cheeks

And her goodness is a foal that will flourish
while wandering in the desert.

Marked with its smile, its definition is affliction.

It shines... as if it were the softwood and what it contains.

When its pomegranates ripen, it has become the pleasure of desire.

A drop of dew gushed from its forelock.

Sweet albumin from which the thirsty quenched

Oh, what a heart that has been crushed by her love!

How many people have lost their way and been deceived?


*3*O son of Adam! *


How Cruel You Are, Son Of Adam


Enough... Why immorality!

You are not made of stone

Solid or made of rock

You are made of soft clay

A Forgiving God created you

Get rid of your dryness

Arrogance, vanity and selfishness

What is more delicious than a loaf of bread?

Made on wood firewood

Leave the injustice for us

Visitors on a spinning Earth

And everything I counted

Of money, prestige and palaces

He will definitely stay grounded.

You will only inherit graves.

It becomes the sole of the sandal

An alternative to the blackbird tune

Live with contentment

Don't disturb her peace

And collect from the gardens of your world

A bouquet of love and happiness!




YASMINE ABDEL SALAM HARMOUSH: The literary writer Yasmine Abdel Salam Harmoush, from Lebanon, the country of beauty and culture, her birthplace is Safira, Dinniyeh, born on 8/15/1988. She has a work entitled (Jasmine) Her academic specialty is experience and auditing in financial accounting. Her writings appeared in most newspapers and magazines, and she dealt with social issues as well as poetic texts.




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