Thursday, August 1, 2024




Beloved Mother


Mother is the only being on the planet

Which he loves unconditionally

He sacrifices himself for his child.

She is going through severe pain.


She wanted you, she gave birth to you

Her love is stronger than the wind

She is happy when she hears your first voice crying

She carried you in her belly for nine months

To fill her heart and make her happy.


She protects and nurtures you like an angel

He looks forward to your growing up with a heart

She feeds you, takes care of you

A million times, my son tells you.


Mother gives you all the blessings

He is very happy for your happiness

She is a concept, she is a myth

Mother is the greatest support and shield.


Mother smells like a May rose

He gives you unconditional love

He hugs you tenderly, he loves you to heaven

And pray to God for your happiness.


Dreams Of A Bride


Every girl dreams of meeting her prince

And revive the aspiration of a fairy tale

proud as a divine bride,

Dressed in a white wedding dress

with a happy smile on his face.

She imagines a white veil in her hair

and a solemn day

When he and her fiancé stand in front of the altar

Beautiful as a princess, from a fairy tale

Carried by the wings of love,

leaves the home of his father and mother ...

Pray to God to hear their YES

in a white wedding dress bless her

for eternal happiness in marriage

And not assuming it is a marital union

difficult life exam ...?!


Mom's Words


My mother always told me:

"Don't expect anyone to understand you,

doesn't want to or just won't!

Only your mother feels your restlessness and sadness

Only she will drive away your pain

will bring happiness, pain, replace it with a smile.

That happiness will give you strength

to overcome difficulties.

Everything is transient,

sadness does not last forever.

don't worry baby

your days will pass

only memories will remain.

Dear child,

when you are sad,

close your eyes and think of beautiful things. "

Here, I closed them now

and I think of her

for it is in the heavenly chambers

among the angels.

But no, she's with me

in my heart

where she has always been.

I often think of my mother

then I put my hand on my heart

and I feel like I'm breathing with her.





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