Thursday, August 1, 2024





A Boat Ride


Through a narrow tributary flowing down

Flanked by rustling reeds on either side

The small boat made its lonesome way

Carrying two souls from all distractions


The current was dotted here and there

With floating masses of water hyacinths

With lavender blossoms peeping through the green

That drifted to and fro as the boat made its way


Pleating gentle curls in the water’s swell

The boat moved, carrying him and her

Gliding away unhurried and unrushed

Over the heaving crest of pure delight


As it entered the river’s wider mouth

Waves began lapping on the boat

And jets of water splashing neck high

With cool embrace, raising their spirits


Bobbing over waves, they quietly watched

The cobalt sky hugging the mountains far

Hills looming large with clumps of trees

And their foliage swaying in summer breeze


Before them the river gallantly stretched along

As a flood of fluid crystal, a current of liquid light

Expressing in turn, the silent meditation of a sage

And the noisy ebullience of a naughty kid


Leaving all cares behind, on the sullen shores

Hearing the lovely chanting of songbirds

Enjoying the river’s shifting loveliness

The two entered into the river’s inner heart


As the magic moments mesmerized their senses

They knew they had found a new love

A flower suddenly blooming in the wild

Drifting them to a world sans any fences!


A Free Gift After the Rain


Lo! A spectrum of colours

in the misty cerulean sky

God’s benevolent gift  

graciously bestowed

after a light drizzle


A rainbow-

nature’s lovely poem

written on the wide canvas

an arch spanning

the Earth and the heavens

a painting

with colours overlapping


warm in glow

radiant in splendour

emanating light

triggering joy

staying amid drifting clouds

waving at us in cheer


Life expands and pulsates

eyes are raised

to a vision grand

mind takes flight

to Heaven’s glory

a transient reminder

of the beauty promised for man


Oh eyes,

feast on this celestial sight

this scintillating spectral aura

and get drowned

in its magical spell!


Hey, why not ride upon the wind

To loot the pot of gold hidden at its tip!


A Poem


As I wondered what I should write

And floundered in my own confusion

I thought – why not write about poems

That set me thinking what poems are

A poem could be anything, we know.

At best, it is distilled thoughts put into rhyme,

Or a moment caught in time.

A window glimpse into the world

An engrossing passion’s ardent curl

A snap shot of scenes from Nature- wild

Or a slice of life, birth or death.


 Sometimes it could be a yearning 

Or an image long hung on a pole

A thought turned inside out

Or the emptying of a mind about to spill

It could be the liberation of a fancy

For long held in thraldom

A gnawing pain, long suppressed

Or a secret, never divulged


As I pondered over the subjects’ enormity

And a poem’s vast scope,

I asked myself- ‘Why hesitate?’

Soon I felt a stir inside,

My thoughts broke loose

And a terrible block lifted off my head

My silence became audible

I embroidered these thoughts

 Into the pattern of a poem


Here it is before you, have a look at it

Will it annoy you or will you enjoy!




VALSA GEORGE is a retired professor from Kerala. After her successful career as a teacher, she took to poetry. She writes on a wide spectrum of topics spanning Nature, Love, Human relations et al. She has authored over 1500 poems in varied poetic forms which she regularly posts in international poetry websites, reputed journals, and literary publications. She has four anthologies in her name - Beats, Drop of a Feather, Rainbow Hues, and Entwining Shadows - the latter two available on One of her poems ‘A space Odyssey’ has been included in the CBSE syllabus (Rain Tree Course Book by Orient Black Swan) for the 8th grade students in India from the year 2018. Another poem ‘My Fractured Identity’ is prescribed for the undergraduate students (Voyagers) in Philippines


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