”He’s spirit, alchemist
or sorcerer”,
they said wickedly
whispering poison
mumbling, their faces
distorted by envy,
frowning, gossiping
spreading slander.
The bigots’ rumour
traveled in plazas
echoing in the
crowd’s ear:
”He cannot be
But how the
Florentines praised him,
that sacred morning
when he glimpsed
the perpetual
ingenue on the white canvas
with porcelaine
skin and almond-shaped eyes.
Towards dusk he sensed
that the Tyrrhenian
sea was green,
he had a few final
touches left
when it seemed to
him that she had been gazing at it
for a moment, with
lightning speed
above the rooftops
and the Tuscany hills,
or maybe it was just
then the colour impossible to mold by his
suddenly enlightened
her gaze
under which
dumbfounded centaurs
Beyond time she kept
haunting him
under thousands of
he knew that she had
imortality for him
and he began to
He sent
his soul far away,
by Savonarola,
but she
would come in his dreams
after night,
foretelling the moment
of their
in one
mother-of-pearl morning,
on the
green of the sea
impossible to render
by human hand,
where the
„E spirit, alchimist sau vrăjitor”
spuneau cu răutate în șoapte otrăvite
schimbând bombănitori fețe-fețe,
clevetind încruntați habotnicii
au răspândit zvonul prin piețe
șoptind în urechea mulțimii:
„imposibil să fi fost muritor”.
Dar ce mult l-au prețuit florentinii
când într-o sfântă dimineață
a întrezărit pe pânza albă
ingenua perpetuă
cu piele de porțelan
și ochi migdalați,
spre înserat a știut
că Marea Tireniană era verde,
mai avea câteva tușe
și i s-a părut că ea a privit-o
o clipă, sau poate el
dincolo de acoperișuri,
de dealurie Toscanei,
fulgerător cu viteza gândului,
atunci culoarea imposibil
de plămădit de ceilalți confrați
i-a luminat dintr-o dată privirea,
lângă care centaurii încremeneau cuminți.
Avea să-l bântuie
dicolo de timp
sub mii de chipuri,
știa că a furat pentru el
nemurirea și i s-a făcut frică.
Și-a trimis sufletul departe
lăsându-se biruit
de Savonarola,
dar ea i se arăta în vis
noapte de noapte,
prevestind clipa
într-o dimineață de sidef,
pe verdele mării
imposibil de redat
de mână omenească,
unde niciodată soarele
nu mai apune.
The Palimpsest City
In the palimpsest city
the Alchemist
appears in my attic
at midnight
with the monkey on his shoulder,
as one single being.
The room is filled with
glittering on cauldrons and crucibles,
strange containers,
complicated tools
cloaks, masks,
obsolete jewelry
and many other things.
He gathers them all
mumbling on old torn
dozing off from time to time
- the monkey often blinks
trying not to disturb him -
he searches for the extinct winding streets,
after he stutters something, at once
holograms of ancient towers appear,
fountains and palaces emerge in the fog,
under the church vaults
pairs are passing,
the scent of the lime tree narcotically
envelops everyghing in unearthly fragrances
and suddenly old bells are ringing,
at the basalt fountain
where once a nereide
was resting,
in this morganatic city
which completely fits
in my poor attic,
among Brancovenean columns
with acanthus leaves,
thousands of stories are hidden
under garbage dumps,
under forgotten slabs,
under the hurried
and the naked eyes
of passers-by
blinded by the illusions
of the metropolis.
Only from this attic
the Alchemist can
alleviate old wounds
and when the monkey
hops anxiously around the room,
he still knows how to caress
the tired monster
from the heart of the new city
reminding it of the long lost beauty.
Orașul Palimpsest
În orașul palimpsest
la miezul nopții
apare în mansarda mea
cu maimuța pe umăr.
Îmi par o singură ființă,
odată cu ei
răsar luminate de lună
alambicuri, creuzete,
recipiente ciudate
unelte complicate
mantii, măști,
bijuterii desuete
și sumedenie de alte nimicuri.
pe toate le-adună
când descântă pe hărți zdrențuite
moțăind, din când în când,
- maimuța clipește des
să nu-l deranjeze -
el caută dispărutele străzi șerpuite
bodogănește ceva și deodată
apar holograme de turle străvechi,
fântâni și palate se-arată,
trec pe sub bolți de biserici perechi
parfumul de tei ne desfată
și-n surdină bat clopote vechi,
la fântâna de bazalt
unde cândva
se odihnea o bacantă,
în acest oraș morganatic
care încape tot
într-o biată mansardă,
printre coloane brâncovenești
cu frunze de acantă,
se ascund mii de povești
sub gropi de gunoaie
sub lespezi uitate
sub pașii grăbiți
sub ochii goi
ai trecătorilor orbiți
de iluzii din noua cetate.
Doar de aici din mansardă
Alchimistul mai poate
alina rănile vechi
și când maimuța
țopăie prin încăpere
cuprinsă de neliniște,
mai știe să mângâie
monstrul obosit
din inima orașului nou
amintindu-i frumusețea pierdută.
The King’s Jester
I am the jester of the silent king,
the gaudy garments hide my cruel swords,
the bitter truth in somersaults I bring
before his courtiers, who just hate my words.
Still, in the forests covered by the moss
the mushrooms wait by wise men to be found,
they live the fool alive - an endless loss,
they never mind him when he is around.
There is a truth I always say but hide,
and never punished, like a rose with thorns,
my silent king through hell sometimes I guide.
What would he be without my motley horns?
Eu sunt bufonul tăcutului rege.
În ţipătoarele mele veşminte,
Lângă puterea cea fără de lege,
Domnesc peste-al meu regat de cuvinte.
Eu sunt bufonul tăcutului rege.
În ghiduşii îmi ascund cugetarea
Cine m-ascultă atent mă-nţelege
Sunt vătămat şi mi-e dată iertarea.
Eu sunt bufonul tăcutului rege.
Oglindă întoarsă şi strâmbă de par,
Cum de sub muşchi ştii ciuperca culege,
Minciuna desparte-o cu grijă de har.
Sea Scape
The stones stood there whitened and dried
to our ankles gray-green waves
were rushing tenderly and tried
our fading footprints to embrace.
The sea unseen, untouched, unknown,
swept mortal signs of steps with grace
caressed the sand with lacy foam,
of coward lovers left no trace.
uscate pietrele pe mal
Și ape
verzi se năpusteau în val,
spre glezne alergând zglobiu
Bătând în
Purtându-și taina se
spărgea de lut
Tandrețea unui val
Acoperind pe țărm
urme de pași
De muritori
îndrăgostiți și lași.
That Laugh Of Yours
Wild was the dance
of gypsies in my dream
and they were
begging money in their song.
She looked so much
like you that I could scream.
Throwing a coin, I
stood there not for long.
Choosing the
youngest from the ragged pack
and making love, I
knew my star was wrong.
She had that laugh
of yours I so much lack
still in my ears,
so tender, wild and strong...
Cu râsul tău
Țigăncile dansau în visul meu cândva,
pe drum cerșeau,
pentru un ban de aur
cea mică se vindea,
nepăsător şi
singur, i-l aruncam în drum.
Iubea la întâmplare,
sub zodia cea rea.
Visam că ai un preț,
că-mi ceri și tu ceva.
Cea mică se vindea
ui tăcut drumeț,
în visul meu
DANIELA ALBU: 1993 Catrene din deșert, poems (”Quatrains of the Desert”) Steady Promotion Publishing House; 2001 Părintele Ioan (”Father John” – short stories, Dacia Publishing House- 2004 wins international essay contest ”Paris seen through the eyes of foreing writers” http://paris-eiffel-tower-news.com/paris-stories/paris-story-poem-to-henry-in-paris.htm; 2007 the novel Petru și Pavel-între lumi ( Peter and Paul –between two worlds), Dacia Publishing House –a fresco of the Romanian society especially of the life of artists and itellectuals before and after 1989 (Gaudeamus Book Fair) ; 2009 – Literary Prize for Proze of the Lucian Blaga International Festival; 2011 - Miniaturi pariziene/Miniatures parisiennes poems (”Parisian miniatures”) – Romanian-French bilingual edition, translated in French by Claude Dignorie, graphics by artist Dalia Bialcovski, Eikon Publishing House; the volume was present at the Bookfair Salon du livre, Paris, 22-25 martie 2013, http://www.comunicatedepresa.ro/daniela-cristina-albu/editura-eikon-la-salon-du-livre-paris-22-25-martie/ 2011 The Center of Excellence for Study of Cultural Identity, University of Bucharest nominates and recommends Daniela Albu for pentru Premio FIL for Romanic languages and literatures, Guadalajara, Mexic; 2014 ”The Soul’s Unseen Orchids” poems in English, FeedARread, UK; 2014 ”The Orange Dress” short stories, FeedARead, UK 2014- 2021 co-author of Anthologies of poems , Inspirescu Publishing, Art Creativ Publishing and Betta publishing; 2014 First Prize for poetry awarded by Inspirescu Publishing and Cervantes/Inspirescu cultural group for the volume ”Citadini și levantini” (”Tonwspeople and Levantines”); 2015 ”Citadini și levantini”, Inspirescu Publishing; 2015 Prize of Art Creativ publishing for the poem ”Evadați în miraj” (”Escaped into the Mirage”) at Love Poems Gala; 2015 First Prize with short story ”Tanti Zelma” (”Auntie Zelma”) Liternautica short story contest http://liternautica.com/tanti-zelma/ 2016 Romanian American Atology Haibun „Travelers through Seasons”(co-author) 2017 Volume of poems“Cearcănele verii” (Dark circles under the eyes of summer), Art Creativ publishing house, 2019, mention for the prose “Maybe only the ashes” The national prose contest ”Nicolae Velea 2020 Vasile Cârlova Prize for poetry Brâncoveniana contest; 2020 Diploma of exellence from the Romanian Haiku Society (member of the Romanian Haiku Society). 2021 grand prize haiku competition city of Beauchamp, France; 2020-2021 Awarded mention for short story „The Badger” an featured with poem „The Mulberry Tree” in Nature Antholgy - Nature International Literary Contest. Since 2014 member of the literary circles Catacomba , Cenaclului de urgență, Haiku, Lira21 www.lira21.ro, Monitorul de Poezie, Qpoem, Liternautica www.liternautica.com, (she is editor at LiterNautica and short stories author) member of the Poets of the City poetry circle. Daniela Albu was born on 20 August 1961, in Bucharest: 1986 graduated the Faclty of English Language and Literature, Bucharest University; 1986-1989 English teacher. Since 1990 had worked for 20 years at the United Nations Development Programme on environment, human rights, equal opportunitie and in the field of sustainable development, communications and interantional relations, UN RC office. During this period contributed with articles and translations for UN publications and Reports. Since April 2012 is editor and honorary researcher on Human Rights and UN issues as well as coordinator of women’s rights working group at the Romanian Institute for Human Rights, Bucharest.
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