Wednesday, June 1, 2022







The Wind-Men


(Poem dedicated to all homeless people in the world).


They walk around us

we smell their smell

we hear their footsteps

but we don't see them.

They are like us

just a little more alone



They are windmen


who live in alleys of solitude

and indifference.

Made of the same substance

of the wind

that we hear, breathe

but we are too busy

to see them and help them.

We're just squalid stones

that roll

between time portals

and folds of everyday life

as we approach that ravine

who will guard us all.

The wind men instead

when they die

they will get rid of their burdens

they will wear butterfly wings

and they will fly joyfully and dancing

on green meadows

fed by eternity.


Light Up The Stars For Me.


Light up the stars for me

I hate all this darkness

I need the light

to see me

and still feel alive.

I live on a dark planet

in the midst of a people

blind and deaf

inhuman beings

without soul, heart

and not even a crumb of love.

That's why every night

on my bed

I cry

I raise my eyes to the sky

and I scream:

"please light up the stars for me."


The Cult Of The God Facebook


Oh big and mighty Facebook,

here prostrate in front

to this screen

cold and flat

I sincerely thank you

for making me back

a better person

it is thanks to you

if I became a poet,

philosopher and sage.

I have many virtual friends

but when I walk

on the street I feel alone

because for everyone

I become a ghost.

Forgive please

my unbridled voyeurism

and that photo posted

while vomiting in the bathroom

or while I choose

the color of the next briefs.

Finally I thank you,

and I will always do it,

to have taught me

which is easier

and more beautiful share than to be.




EMANUELE CILENTI, born in Messina, Italy, in 1981, is: poet, writer, actor, songwriter, screenwriter and film maker. He has published thirteen books: "A blade of grass that tickles the sky", "Dream journeys of my soul", "I'm just a nightmare", "Violent percussions", "Celestial whispers", "Petals of infinity", " Immortal Echoes ”,“ Ink tears on the face of the heart ”, a theatrical comedy in two acts entitled:“ Help! I have two mummies in the house "," That trail of light and beauty ", the collection in three languages: English - Italian - Spanish entitled:" The street where dreams live ", the poetic notebook entitled:" Sospeso ", the collection of short stories entitled: "My scars". As a poet and writer he has won several poetry prizes in Italy and has also received several awards and prizes also at an international level. His poems have been translated into: Spanish, English, Romanian, Chinese, Bengali, Hindi and are part of numerous anthologies, cultural magazines, blogs and international websites where poets from all over the world are present. As a songwriter he has written the lyrics of two albums by as many emerging artists of the Italian music scene and several singles, he also collaborates with a record company in the province of Messina as a songwriter. As a theater actor he has been acting since 2007 with various theater companies in Messina. At the cinema he has participated in several films of independent productions, playing various comic and dramatic roles. As a film maker, he made six short films entitled: "Beyond the journey", "The death of the puppets", "The molds", "A sea of meshes", "Mortal hypnosis", "7LIVES ... destroyed" and are located in own Youtube channel, this is the link: He collaborated as a TV actor with Mediaset (Italian national TV) in a famous television broadcast.

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