Monday, February 1, 2016


Michael Miller


So very many amazing things
beauty of life tugs at heartstrings
the height a man can reach to
and glory when the gifts are true

Submission to the voices call
spectrum of talents given to all
a measure of each within it’s presence
remarkable joy in their pleasance

My Lord beneath you I bow
prostrate myself the view me allow
with praise for the knowledge I see
bounteous is the perception that be

Indwelling mankind genius you shower
capacity for splendor that you empower
Voices lifted to you in praise
that endow us grandeur within our days

Articulation of an heavenly song
woven tapestry whose fabric is strong
sculpture divested the works of hands
magnificent music produced in the lands

The filigree of crowns in artifice
in every skill produces things nice
who among us will credit you
that as children copy what you do

With lightening you so us inspire
and draw upon our inner desire
amongst the rocks and stones we gather
searching for life and loves that matter

Like a seamstress who gathers dreams
stitched together in close knit seams
clothing us in royal vesture
a grace given by your gesture

An architect who builds dream homes
music of heart practiced by tones
in gardens where rainbows live
diversity of presents in man you give

Sometimes I look at man and see your face
you build those who recognize your grace
little pieces of joy in such empty space
and so many have lost it’s trace

The adversary seeks to leave us dry
to dam the waters from our sky
and parch the land of God’s vision
to hold us all in his derision

COPYRIGHT © 2009 C. Michael Miller
via Duboff Law Group LLC


I found you in the Mountains

and her streams

not among     cherished traditions

where   mankind   clings

but in the songs    of the meadow larks

within the forest      and the valley’s   parks

Oh how excellent are your ways   my beloved

and the course you set         is always true

your reflections give light         just like the sun

to follow you  is the path      I’ll always choose

My heart swells     as the floodgates of the rivers

as a torrent of waters       which are undammed

its flow like the      tidal’s     power the oceans

my attention is riveted     by their demands

Among men shall I find      none like you

or the spectrum      of talents you possess

the seeds of inspiration       do they empower

and it’s influence I      wish always to  express

You mind moves swift          as waves of Light

their energy is formed   and fired by  thought

your influences   governs life by its commands

and the trails of life        are in them wrought

Unable am I    to ignore      all that is you

and the abuses      from which I have been torn

that drives and strives     excellence to pursue

to escape the slumlords       where I was born

COPYRIGHT © 2014 C Michael Miller
via Duboff Law Group LLC


You have led me     beside the azure seas
to see the crimson    coral of the fallen leaves
so like the rainbows    that exist within our kin
the colors that lay    upon our souls within

There drifts our souls    in the shades and hue
where we slip the streams     of the colors blue
or light their soul     in softest shades of yellow
when in company      as delighted companions fellow

Or quietly lay in shells    still and tinged of pale grey
like the clouds that hang     within the low of day
or to climb the hills    the foliage with its glistening sheen
are painted trees and meadows      in the depths of green

Here in life the blooms       that every spectrum see
and offered us its view           the veneer of eternity
and not so transparent    the crystals of our glass
and our lives the shadows            of pigments cast

The cosmetic gloss      that we can wear like makeup
that dyes the actions            which our souls we take up
some like varnish are     just cover for what is dull
like the iron and the steel             that contains our hull

But the tints       that wash and stain our soil
can be the colors swirling      within the gleams of oil
where they run together     as the eddy’s in the water
there each soul its colors         is contained a single star

COPYRIGHT © 2013 C Michael Miller
via Duboff Law Group LLC

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