Wednesday, February 1, 2023





I count all the

                 tiny little joys

                 I've been trying to collect

                 but the sum comes to naught

                 meaningless gestures.


Then I try walking

                 to the end of the earth

                 where the sky sweeps downwards

                 to embrace the red-hot earth

                 waiting at life's horizon

                 bathing it in it's cool

                 both mingling and merging

                 to become one.

                 But the rainbow fades

                 even as I hurry to touch it.


Then I walk to the ocean

                 where the shore and wave

                 mingle and merge

                 till I can make not

                 one from the other .

                 The ocean teaches me

                 to collect all the small little joys

                 and make

                 an ocean of love, larger than life,

                 and to wait

                 patiently at the shore

                 till HE accepts it.

                 Copyright @r. Sunil Kaushal


To The ONE Only


One glance to sweep

 all my sorrows away

one smile to reawaken

joy in my life

one word, a sign

to lift my spirits

one gesture that will be

my crutch in crippling days

One rose my many hued

garden to which

one colour if You care to add

 I will paint

 a rainbow.

All these I will preserve

 deep in the core of my being

hidden from the prying eyes

of the world and wait

for that one drop of nectar

of Your benevolence

to quench the thirst

of my parched soul.

 One spark of Your glory

will bathe life in the light of infinite stars

and I will venture

from captivity to freedom.

Having seen You within myself

 I shall sail to a safe haven

as Your effulgence

lights my path over choppy waters

Copyright Dr. Sunil Kaushal


Do not look outside of yourself to seek love.

Look within to see all the walls you have built between it and your heart…..RUMI



Listen To The Whispers

Of The Heart


Every day I would peep out

through the windows of my mind

seeking answers to questions

from anyone I chanced to find.

For ages, kept searching and seeking

in vain, futile, tired to the bone

till I stopped begging and eking

enchanted by the light from within that shone.

Instead, lifting the curtain over my mind’s eye, peeped inwards

at the breathtaking view of the Divine resplendence

awestruck at the inner radiance and splendor

marveled at the mesmerizing gifts of Providence.

A childlike innocence radiated from mien

wonder, excitement, exuberance to be seen

as I recognized the self newly born

before travails of the world life had sullied and torn.

Wonderingly searching for a magical sound

saw myself, a toddling lisper

listening carefully, heard a deep sigh,

and on its wings, the softest whisper.

Regressing into childhood, a wish

sprouted in the subconscious mind

teaching me to keep moving,

for the past was long left behind.

Rivers of tears crystallized into diamonds of dreams

lending to life a new sparkle and sheen.

Inside my heart love’s tiny flame shone

Bright, brave but sadly alone.

A high wall I had built

around my lonely heart

no love could enter

no pain move out.

As I chiseled the wall away, every hour, every clime

harbored inside my inner child

was love overflowing for one and all

with no place for hatred, left at all.

A glorious gold it shone, uplifting my soul.

a new level of being, knowing, soaring still

expressing my unique self

loving, exploring and celebrating to my fill.

Transmuting old patterns and petty beliefs

the mind freed and the caged bird released.

Sighing in ecstasy, I heard the whisper again

“do not look outside of yourself”- there’s nothing to gain.

With profound clarity I saw, that the God I kept seeking

was always there, helping me step

into life with new meaning.                                                 

Copyright@Dr. Sunil Kaushal




SUNIL KAUSHAL: Awarded author Dr. Sunil Kaushal, studied in schools all over India, her father having been an army officer. Her nomadic life visiting and living in new towns every 2 years has been very interestingly chronicled in her debut book of memoirs, Gypsy Wanderings& Random Reflections, which was awarded the Nissim Award by the prestigious International poetry group, The Significant League, in the non-fiction category for ‘exquisite prose’. She attended college at one of the most prestigious colleges, Isabella Thoburn College, Lucknow, India. Later she went on to doing her medical studies at Govt. Medical College, Amritsar, India, followed by 40 years of practice in Obstetrics-Gynaecology at Jalandhar, Punjab. Although she has been writing sporadically since her childhood, her writings were carefully tucked away from the public eye. At age 70 she learnt to use a computer and started writing full time, sharing her poetry and prose online. She is pleasantly surprised to discover the poet and writer within her being recognized, every time she wins a contest or award. This trilingual writer writes in English, Hindi and her mother tongue Punjabi, which she has never studied but is self-taught. Published in a number of National and International anthologies and magazines, some of her poems have been translated into French, German and Greek. Her writing is mostly woman-centric, romantic, sensuous, poems about marginalized people. She also writes philosophical, spiritual, besides humorous poetry.

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