Sunday, October 1, 2023



Rainy Day


It is raining again today.

Everything is wet.

Everything is heavy.

I smile silently.

I cry silently.

My shoulders ache and my feet cramp.

My wrists click

My throat has gone dry.

Now, the blue sky is dressing grey.

Frogs are croaking.

Thunderbolts in sky are flashing.

The dust blinds it all.

The later, new winds have traversed in

Maintain your silence and let the nature talk.

Monsoon is beautiful.

It is the monsoon season.


I Want To Be..


I want to be the master of my fate

For years I've let your chains embrace my heart

I want to be in control of my life

I want to be free even in my own jail

I want to be free to breath a single time

I forget you

I swear

I will be stronger and finally free.


Your Kindness


dedicated my nice Romanian friend ,Vasile


the world spins on..

your kindness

I feel it pulsate

within me

The end of the


is there


you are not



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