Sunday, September 1, 2024



Who She Is


Is she not a river ?

I often ask myself and start comparing

And feel restless ever and ever.


Acquiring a great pacific gesture

Ceaselessly she moves on 

Ungrudgingly  with lots of splendour

She quenches our thirst as a murmuring river

And feeds  us , energises us

To live a life  in grandeur.


She doesn't allow us to drown

in her whirlpool of pain .

Neither ever denies to care and share

All that  pleases us

With a smile in her lips with valour.

For ages gone and for ages to go

She walks with us step in step

Keeps on cool and drenched

By her  mumbling  affections.


Is there a guess ,

who can  she be in your life .


An Appropriate Solace


Illegitimate desires and uncontrolled Emotions

Often shovels a fire-pot

Of displeasure and annoyance.


A consequential impact

Germinates huge confusion

And a feeling of incompleteness

In heart and soul.

Friends and relatives turn strangers

And behave differently

towards  any support

Made amidst a blaring call


A disgusted soul

Forced to stand alone on a muddy road,

And looks for  the

reflections of his own shadow

Cries hard within

Yet a pleasant  and crescent smile

Reflects on the lips

Even though faded hopes are sent to bins. .


Rampant  looks at the

horizon of a dusky sky overhead

Transpires to  home in

On an appropriate solace .


A Masked Language


Might be difficult to utter

But definitely is not for lack of breath.


When I try to vocalise your name,

It feels me as if

All my expressions get canopied

Under abstract yet  absolute ,

but not obsolete

Thoughts .


There rules silence for next few  seconds

As I find me at once in a celestial sphere

Where the echoes of my words

Fail to reach .


All that I intend to do

To wish convert my divine imagination

To a simple and smooth language

In coherence with a poet

And my silence  would be thus narrated

Beyond the logic of

A masked language.


A Committed Devotion


Steep mountains covered with

The tangled woods

And Valleys , dales or barren fields

Do neither  make any discrimination

Nor  the devine flow of love

In the glow of  the dawn

Do  make any distinction.


But by the side of the shallow ravines

Bunches of colorful flowers

Prance in every trance of rhythmic  moments

And restore  life to its splendid sequence.


Life moves on a grand road

With all royal gestures

And peace and love

with every beats of the heart

Resonates in coherence.


Divine wisdom so descends

Defining the state of committed devotion

That inspires

To live and let others live

With and only with  compassion..


War or a war like situation

Is avoided  with a practicable effort

With kindness and goodwill

In lieu of a hard battle to survive .




RAJASHREE MOHAPATRA: Born in Odisha in India has received her master’s degree in ' History ‘and 'Journalism and Mass Communication' from Utkal University, Odisha. She is a teacher by profession. Being a post graduate in ' Environmental Education and Industrial Waste Management ' from Sambalpur University Odisha, she has devoted herself as a Social Activist for the cause of social justice, Environmental issues and human rights in remote areas through non-governmental organisations. Poetry, Painting and Journalism are her passions.

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