Sunday, September 1, 2024



The Power Of Love


Suddenly and strangely, love is born

she sticks in your heart like a thorn

 your body is awake even when it’s sleeping

something inside is moving and creeping

your soul flies, it's true

  a strange wind blows from you.

When love touches your soul

you play the main role

at every secret meeting

on top of the universe, you are seating

lips, through kisses they speak

with faces hugged cheek to cheek

A loving look tells a story

for a life of shared glory

which will be written on a new page

from now until old age.

through the time love will grow

and bloom even when strong winds blow

there will be a merging of two lives

who will grow old together without lies.


Under The Ego ‘S Veil


Where pride takes flight,

a tempest without light,

Ego, woven in the soul’s night,

a force that blinds our sight.

It whispers in the ear,

yet sowing seeds of fear,

with applause, and praise,

 in a convoluted maze.

A mirror with a distorted view,

where false is true.

In that self-obsession,

there is not a life lesson,

We shed the cloak of shame,

burned with the ego's flame,

true strength arises not from boast,

but humanity what matters most.

So let us strive for grace

so, we can find peace

letting go of the ego’s embrace

and our soul's ego shall release.



A Dream Of Peace


Our world, it should be like a fairy tale

from hopes and dreams cocktail

green fields where children dance

where their laughter is giving life a chance.

Children, they have power

to build the strongest tower

from hugs firm and so tender

where adults, they surrender.

On their playground of dreams,

In the canvas of friendship,

 there are the most colorful themes

in a world of laughter and play,

where the sun kisses the day,

let them live, pure and free,

let them dancing, beneath the old tree.

In a world where chaos holds its sway,

let's dream of peace, a brighter day.

no more battles fought, no more tears to cry,

only the soothing whispers of a blue sky.




SONJA DANILOVSKA, class teacher from Probištip – North Macedonia. Winner of many awards in the profession as a teacher - The best Teacher in the municipality, in the country and the title of Best Teacher Award in the region of the former Yugoslavia, as well as many other awards at the international level Global Award –Autstanding Teacher by the 2DSA 2023. She writes poetry for children and adults and often participate in literary competitions, literary readings organized by writers' associations and literary clubs in and outside the country, a member of many world poetry groups and associations and she is the winner of many prestigious world poetry awards, for poetry challenges of various forms of poetry, many awards for poet of the week, poet of the month, best poet and many excellences for her writing. She is also the winner of many first prizes and also received a gold plaque and a star of poetry from the World Academy of literature and represented author in many editions of published anthologies and literary collections of poetry for children and adults. She lives for teaching, but poetry is the meaning of her life. Writing poetry fills her spirits and opens the door of all feelings.


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