Thursday, July 1, 2021



Challenges Of Poetry In New Normal 

Each day is passing as an extension of our lifetime. As if any day we can have our last breath in this world. Not that we were immortal before the pandemic. But our everyday life was not like today. With a nagging fear of getting infected and eventually waiting for immediate death. This fear of infection is indeed infectious. Even vaccination cannot guarantee immunity with hundred percent assurance. Yet we are hoping for survival and still living with the ultimate hope to return to our normal life of a pre-pandemic era. Many are jokingly coining BC with ‘before covid’ and AC with ‘after covid’. Indeed, it seems more plausible that the world will never return to the normalcy of before covid era. Already we are being taught another new terminology ‘new normal’. That is, since 2020 we have to accept all the abnormalities as new normal. So, it is clear that new world order and the way of everyday life are emerging out of this pandemic. We can dislike it, but cannot deny it. Not only do we have to accept it, but also, we have to adjust ourselves to this new world order and the conditions of surviving.

Personally, all these are making a huge impact on each of us. I don’t know anybody, who’ll deny this fact. Even in our subconscious mind, a new mosaic is evolving. We may not be aware of that. Still, this mosaic will eventually shape our conscious minds as well. One can say, human psychology will not remain the same as in the pre-pandemic era. Everything around us is now evolving at an unprecedented pace. Yes, even our literature will have to face all these new challenges of upcoming times as well. Poets and writers around the world are also going through this phase of endurance tests round the clock. I hope words and phrases will go through a considerable reexamination and redesigning before settling down to incorporates all these changes and abnormalities. A new dimension of literature may emerge in near future to deal with all these. Poets and writers as well will have to adjust themselves to the upcoming changes in their subconscious level. Poetry is a manifestation of our subconscious mind constantly struggling with the ground realities of our individual life. As an individual, I strongly adhere to this idea. Maybe others will not agree with it. If we go through human history from down memory lane and dive deep into the whirlwind of existence, I believe each poet had experienced the same in their lifetime. Yes, every time we have to fine-tune our individualities with our social context and universal time as well. Without which, not a single word can be written.

If we study poetry along with different periods of time, we’ll find poetry is constantly reshaping itself according to the norms and conditions of its surrounding times. So, with this emerging new normalcy of life in post covid era…new forms of poetry will reshape world literature. I hope nobody would wrongly interpret my words assuming I’m in support of the establishments that rule the world. Poetry as well as literature that supports the establishments and propagates the ruler’s interests can never survive its time. History teaches us so. Whenever I say, poetry reshapes itself according to the norms and conditions of its surrounding times; that doesn’t necessarily mean it has to comply with established rules and the conditions. That only means how poetry reacts with its surrounding. Poetry can never sit idle without reacting with the changing scenarios or with the rules and norms established by the power. It always raises its voice of dissent and doubts. It tries to reexamine the established or emerging norms and forms. On a continuous note, it tries to evaluate the present with the past, seeking the right equations of expressing the truth. The ultimate goal of poetry is to express the truth. The eternal truth in reactions with the temporal conditions of existence. So, with this emerging new normalcy of life; poetry will also have to re-engage itself in conversation with this present time. I strongly believe to go on with poetical experiments, a poet must have to associate himself or herself with these sorts of hypotheses even if one believes that poetry is an intimate conversation with the individual soul.

None can live alone. Even our soul is tied up with the universal soul. As we live in society. Again, our soul is also tied up with the eternal soul. So, we can never alienate ourselves from our fellow beings, from the conditions of their existence. Therefore, this emerging new normal world order will certainly engage us in constant debates with all these events that occur around us. A poet is essentially a compassionate being. He can never remain aloof. He or she has to respond with the temporal time. And this mode of response will bring out the literary brilliance in form of poetry or any other literary forms. Especially poetry demands all these from a poet. A spontaneous explosion of personal emotions devoid of internal and external exchanges of debates around universal time can never create true poetry. And with this pandemic and with the emerging new normal world, a poet has to re-engage himself or herself with the essence of his or her changing time. If one wishes to remain creative. Poetry is all about remaining creative forever.

So, we with our limited resources and capacity always try to publish writings of the creative poets around the world. We hope this 76th issue of Our Poetry Archive will also get international attention with much enthusiasm. This month we are presenting poet ROMANESCU SALOMEEA of Romania as the poet of the month. In this issue we are presenting an interview of the poet exclusively for our readers. Also, we have arranged the publication of the 7th volume of the annual anthology ‘MIDNIGHT MOMENTS’ scheduled to be published this July 2021.

NilavroNill Shoovro

From The Editorial Desk













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JULY 2021

NILAVRONILL: Why do literature and poetry in particular interest you so much? Please give us some idea about your own perception of literature or poetry in general.


ROMANESCU SALOMEEA:  It is encrypted on my DNA from my father and from my last passed life, when I was a talented poet from Mexico. This was the motivation to study Philology and also foreign languages and litterateurs, at the deepest structure. My soul is happy when I creat in all arts not only in poetry. I like to give life to all my poem, to interpret them, to sing them and paint them, I also dance using the melodies inspired by my poems. I am in love with all arts in an integrated manner. I study literature 10 years at University, I understood his role for society modulation.



NILAVRONILL: How do you relate your own self existence with your literary life in one hand, and the time around you, in the other.


ROMANESCU SALOMEEA: I study astrology and other spiritual practices and I discovered that I also was Newton in other life and this was the impulse  to study cosmology, spirituality, alchemy and caustic Physics to be able to create a new integrative theory of knowledge that brings together the ethics, natural sciences, social sciences, applied sciences and world view that leads to the creation of an international system able to create peace by Unity and Love. So my poetic creation is also dedicated to the theory of everything, my scientific creation on the field of International Relations and European Integration is also dedicated to this integrative theory, my practice in the field of quantum medicine and reiki, cosmo-humanism. Plasmatic science put together science and spirituality in explanation of reality. Vedanta is also a source of inspiration for my work and creation as was for scientists like Nikolas Tesla and Einstein. We are a whole, this is my message of my live started from my name given to me, which means peace. So the aim of my life is to create peace on the blue planet, to create also happiness of the soul of Humanity and of the Planet using Science of the Soul explained in arts, especially in poetry.


NILAVRONILL: Do you believe creative souls flourish more in turmoil than in peace?


ROMANESCU SALOMEEA: Yes, I believe that creative souls flourish more in turmoil than in peace but the peace, balance is the aim of the all creation! bore all these ordeals and calamities in order that our hearts might become enkindled and radiant, our spirits be glorified, our faults become virtues, our ignorance be transformed into knowledge; in order that we might attain the real fruits of humanity and acquire heavenly graces; in order that, although pilgrims upon earth, we should travel the road of the heavenly Kingdom, and, although needy and poor, we might receive the treasures of eternal life, said Baha Ulah.



NILAVRONILL: Do you think in this age of information and technology the dimensions of literature have been largely extended beyond our preconceived ideas about literature in general?


ROMANESCU SALOMEEA: Yes, I agree with this idea that in this age of information and technology the dimensions of literature have been largely extended beyond our preconceived ideas about literature in general.  Integrated Ideas circulate freely changing the preconceive ideas. The decline of metaphor, keeps its high-pamphleteering signs in today's lyric, understood more and more as a space of all "possibilities". The greatest risks in the process of revitalizing poetry are in the cultivation of ornaments, of exterior ornaments. With the illusion of revitalization, the poem is actually experiencing a moment of crisis. It has nothing to do with the metaphorical coherence of the poetic universe but exclusively with metaphor as an element of style. The delimitation is clear, between the metaphorical tone and the metaphor as "stylistic dominant", the theorist opts for the first element, the only one that can achieve the necessary coherence between the real data entered in the "superimposed reality", which is the poem. Poetry is a unique image, in which the stylistic elements can participate only by subordinating themselves to it.


NILAVRONILL: Now, in this changing scenario we would like to know from your own life experiences as a poet, writer and a creative soul: How do you respond to this present time?


ROMANESCU SALOMEEA: I dedicate all my creation to change the actual paradigm able to find the solution for Humanity problems. We need new integrative concepts, new institution and material capabilities to implement it. New integrative concepts like right to development, equity and equality de jure and de facto, humane global governance, humane security, sustainable humane development and sustainable peace on the Planet. European Union could be a new institution able to bring material capabilities to achieve Humane sustainable development. A world constitution is a priority which could modulate the budget from Military to a new Marshall World Plan.



NILAVRONILL: Do you believe that all writers are by and large the product of their nationality? And is this an incentive for or an obstacle against becoming a truly international writer?


ROMANESCU SALOMEEA: As an Indian I believe that in our cycle of life we pass on all races of the planet and this is encrypted in our ARN and DNA. So each nationality contribute to becoming a truly international writer, a man of the world. Mankind is but one country and we are the world citizens. Humanity is like a garden with many flowers.


NILAVRONILL: Now, if we try to understand the tradition and modernism, do you think literature can play a pivotal role in it? If so, how? Again, how can an individual writer relate himself or herself to the tradition and to modernism?


ROMANESCU SALOMEEA: Tradition is in our blood, in our DNA and ARN. We need to travel in our interior to find it and use it for the creation of spiritual solutions for modern life problems in my case. Tradition helps a writer to understand the creation, the universe to understand that he is a small universe part of a small unions on Earth.



NILAVRONILL: Do you think literary criticism has much to do with the development of a poet and the true understanding of his or her poetry?


ROMANESCU SALOMEEA: No, a genius does not need it. The value of his creation from the soul to the souls and his message, it will be in a sustainable way appreciated, in time and space.



NILAVRONILL: Do you think society as a whole is the key factor in shaping you up as a poet, or your poetry altogether?


ROMANESCU SALOMEEA:  The Soul of Poetry with noble mission to unite in one soul  the Humanity and also the soul of the society as a whole are key factors in shaping me up as a poet activist proposing a new project by shifting from a paternalistic policy paradigm of “embedded neo-liberalism” towards a new and more enlightened policy paradigm towards integration, in the frame of a comprehensive humane security concept in Europe and humane governance, from a feminine perspective, by adapting the emergent geo-governance to the realization of human rights.



NILAVRONILL: Do you think people in general actually bother about literature?  Do you think this consumerist world is turning the average man away from serious literature?


ROMANESCU SALOMEEA: I think that this consumerist world is turning the average man away from serious literature. So we need to escape from consumerism born by ideology and economic system. What is important to notice is that the states become “a transmission belt” from the global level to the national economy level, “undermining the sovereignty and autonomy in all aspects of security”. This phenomenon “can be called internationalizing of the state”, according to Robert Cox.This phenomenon created the so-called “social fracture”, engine of the conflicts of globalisation. For all the progress in the construction of the new identity of European Union, the European Civil Society (resistance against the coercive European Political Society) cannot accept “the embedded neo-liberalism” (the EU’s actual hegemonic Project) without finding real solutions for so-called “social fracture” of globalisation and this represents a big threat to the soft security model of Europe.

          We need to find ways to awaken the consciousness, to give life to our creation from the soul to the soul of Humanity.


NILAVRONILL: We would like to know the factors and the peoples who have influenced you immensely in the growing phase of your literary life.


ROMANESCU SALOMEEA: My heredity, environment and education leaving in a mixt family, baha'i from mother side and orthodox from my father gifted poet and a priest, my education by genial professors mentoring me for masters and PhD in the History of International Relations and European Integration. Also my baha'i Faith and Science of the sould Plasma science studies which unifies theology and science.



NILAVRONILL: How would you this consumerist world is turning the average man away from serious literature u evaluate your contemporaries and what are your aspirations for or expectation from the younger generation?


ROMANESCU SALOMEEA: The imbalance of the poem's autonomy, when the metaphor is dominant, becoming exclusively a stylistic element. Exceeding its strict functionality, leaving the "metaphorical tone" of the poem, it leads to an exacerbation of detail, which means sterile ornament or "spiritual ability". Historically, a constant ripple can be detected; the epochs of great inventiveness know a decline of the metaphor, while the twilight ones, of refinement, an apogee of it. The other motive of the controversy lies in the categorical rejection of the experiment. By extension, in the rejection of literalism, of the autonomy of language, as it was understood by Hugo Friedrich, for whom metaphor represents the fundamental status of modern lyricism. Metaphor becomes the most prolific stylistic means of the unlimited fantasy of modern poetry. It has always served the poetic transformation of the world. The modern metaphor is not born of the need to reduce the unknown to the known. It makes the great leap from the heterogeneity of its parts to a unity that is only possible in the linguistic experiment; and in doing so, it tends to a heterogeneity as extreme as possible, of which it is aware and at the same time annuls it poetically. I have pointed out two elements; metaphor as a means and necessity of linguistic experiment. Sometimes we accept metaphor as an intermediate of poetic relations, but we refuse to believe in the need to jump into experimentation. We often give it at most one rhythmic function; I think that, in the structure of the verses, the metaphor will reserve another function, concealing its specific physiognomy in the flow of language on a counterpoint basis and becoming an element of the inner rhythm, in the sense of organizing the chain mutations that creation implies. The decline of metaphor pleads against formalisms and literalism. Between mimesis and literalism, he opts for expressiveness and the existential meaning of poetry. That is why we see an extremely current polemical function. The vital coordinates of our democratic lyricism are expressiveness and existentialism. The adventure of literalism cannot be organic in a literature that must fulfil its destiny beyond plays and lush artifice. Romanian poetry seeks those forms that engage the reader before provoking and challenging him. Moreover, they try to approach it through almost "popular" or, in any case, direct formulas. Obviously, it is not a question of trivializing poetry, but of finding some "colloquial" solutions. In our country, experiments follow a reverse path than in other countries. Our poetry has a different movement in relation to that of other countries, so that the ambiguities of the syntax become in the Romanian poem signs of mannerism. They do not integrate into the organic evolution of lyricism, they do not substantiate an existential status. Are we not at a time when we must think of the DECLINE OF METAPHOR?. I believe in the need to update the exemplary way in which this issue becomes a consumable substance.



NILAVRONILL: Humanity has suffered immensely in the past, and is still suffering around the world. We all know it well. But are you hopeful about our future?


ROMANESCU SALOMEEA: My question is: could younger generation, as social power participate in the potential anti-hegemonic Project of European Civil Society (in neo-Gramscian terms), able to face the hegemonic project of European Political Society, “embedded neo-liberalism”? The answer is positive because this Civil Society is well organised, it is ripe to understand their social situation and the possibilities to change it in alliance with other transnational forces of Social and Christian Democracy from Europe.


The first step of humanity to transfer the power to make decisions for our individual and collective life from the hands of completely incompetent politicians into the hands of scientists and spiritual ethical artists. This will put an end to the 8000-year-old era of man's domination! Instead, we will all lead our lives as free people responsible for the well-being of all. Secondly it is compulsory to present the issues from a feminine perspective: new paradigm of Humane Security taking into account the ignored types of threats, the opportunity of Cooperative relationship instead of Competitive relationship for overcoming the main common challenges of all actors involved on European, humane governance for sustainable development. We assume that if we would like to find solution in the real life we have to find solution also at the theoretical level, taking into account the power of ideas for change. We need a new theory of integration as a useful instrument for generating alternative models of governance adequate to the reality of European Integration. We need new theory because the old ones are limited and are not able to explain the reality.


Despite the continuing domination of states, multinational corporations, non-governmental organisations, intergovernmental organisations and supranational institutions such as the EU share the stage of global politics affected by economic and political development combined with technological changes. The inability for governments to manage problems arising from trans-border transactions requires co-operation even at the cost of losing autonomy.


Thirdly a new Faith with new, progressive principles: the independent investigation of truth, the essential unity of all religions and philosophies, the oneness of the Creator and his creation, the establishment of a world parliament and world peace, the equality of men and women, the agreement of science and religion. Baha’is believe that one God has given humanity one continuous Faith. Like teachers in a school, the founders of the world’s great Faiths progressively reveal the knowledge and insight humanity needs to keep learning, progressing and moving forward. This simple and yet profound way to look at religion means Baha’is accept all of the major Faiths as legitimate and true. Religion is one, Baha’u’llah taught, revealed over the course of time by one loving God through a series of Divine Educators. As you might expect, Baha’is come from Christian, Muslim, Jewish, Buddhist, Hindu and all other religious traditions; and Baha’is also come from agnostic and atheist and spiritual backgrounds, as well. Becoming a bahai means embracing the one Faith that does not reject other Faiths. In the house of adoration, Lotus Temple for example to teach physics and medicine and other integrated sciences. Baha’u’llah’s teachings emphasize peace, unity and harmony among all people. They have inspired millions around the world, and the Faith that Baha’u’llah revealed so long ago has joined the pantheon of the world’s major Faiths, as a result.



NILAVRONILL: What role can literature in general play to bring a better day for every human being?


ROMANESCU SALOMEEA: To make us a better human beings literature plays a great role. If one aspect of our life is science and technology, then the other aspect which is more important is human relationships. Earth is sick, therefore Literature must save it by happiness and catharsis.



ROMANESCU SALOMEEA: She holds a PhD in the History of International Relations and European Integration - European Integration of Central and Eastern European Countries and Postgraduate European Studies - Center International pour la Formation Europeenne - International Center for European Training (CIFE), Nice, France and Department of Political Science and European Affairs, University of Cologne, Germany. He has a European Master in Human Rights and Democratization - Human Rights and the Democratization Process. University of Padua. He is interested in Conflict Resolution and Peacebuilding for Representatives of Minorities and Indigenous Peoples, UNITER Geneva, - UN, Landegg Academy, Switzerland, Studied 24 foreign languages ​​including Sanskrit and Hindi - through studies at the National Institute of Languages and Oriental Civilizations, France,University of Bucharest.She is interested in creating a new integrative theory of knowledge that brings together the natural, social, applied sciences, worldview and ethics that will lead to the creation of an international system that will create peace through literary work dedicated to the theory of everything but also through thesis of Postgraduate Academic Studies in International Relations and European Integration, National School of Political and Administrative Studies, Bucharest and studies of spirituality and quantum medicine, in the training of the leaders of the world spiritual-informational elite, cosmomanism, cosmology, history of religions. His theory is applied in his poetic work but also in his profession of Business Advisor, Coordinator Training Cycle and training of trainers in the field of management of structural instruments and European affairs, Ministry of Public Finance, Ministry of European Integration. He was a School inspector, Ministry of National Education. She has published Poems for children - Poems for children, philosophical poetry in numerous Anthologies with philosophical poetry awarded first place nationally and internationally. The poem of the healing of humanity encrypts the Theory of Everything capable of secreting a peaceful, integrated societal model of earthly soul happiness.






The Eternal Seed Of The Spring Of Love, Mitra!


From the great Abyss to Him

I will fly in my divine grace.

Sun goal promised to Him

Beyond imagination.

Heaven will be a new Earth there!

That's where love comes first.

Heaven will be there new Earth!

Beyond tomorrow, first.


A love, a heart, on Earth!

as it was from the beginning,

We are one heart on Earth!

Flight- Longing Eternally reborn

The Source of the Soul Heaven - Earth!

The source of Peace, in freedom,

The Light of Longing, Heaven - Earth!

She is the eternal reality.


The longing for the Starlight in Heaven

Can be taken out only with the light

He is the key to the mystery of Heaven,

To the darkness you wear.

The light of the Candle, always, from the Soul

The flower of Life in your heart

There is One God in the Soul

Totality, my Light.


Love is really the Light, new Sun!

She doesn't stay hidden,

Gently piercing your heart, new Sun!

Impenetrated by longing.

May your mind be enlightened, Sun - Soul!

By the Divine Totality.

Only with true love, Sun - Soul!

The Sun of Life, Light!



The Sprouts Of Love Of The Eternal Spring - Mithra


In the tree of life

Buds of light

Give love to the arrow

free from the heart.


In the morning heart

Sprouts of light

catch the thrills of death

Divine love.


I'm not an angel or a goddess, but I worship you

Truly, we are weak; make us strong.

with the breath of the Holy Spirit make us sprint

We are poor; give us from your plenitude!


In the soul of man

light plasma

blow life to the tree

Sprout of heart.


Calm our torment and relieve us of the poison

At the ritual Shrine of the DNA with 12 spirals

Drip remedies from the universal rainbows

And in a plasma dance in your mind let me come.


In the soul of the heart

Flowers of light

Mitra is spirit to the heart

Buds of light.


Drop in our spirit and body the mystery of living.

The sacred light is the source of plasma and eternally

Heal us in our hearts and souls, to lie

The stormy peace on the path to happiness.


Released from the heart

Stems of the death

Buds of light

In the life tree.



O Kama, Muse, The Eternal Spring Dream Of Love!


The sky flower, blue,

Sings to me at the window

Of which on thousands of threads,

Dreams abundantly flow

I’m floating on the azure sea of the sky,

Leafless Stars, sidereal waves.

I am now anchoring the ship of the soul,

On the empty shore of the primordial world

Give me a defoliated star.

To hide it in my little heart,

To bloom in the spring

Dream of an angel, my muse!


I open a portal to the dream

Fat-Frumos mist of dream

Dragon, I’m a dream quantum

As if I am and I'm gone

The dream and my reality I intertwine,

In light fractal, nude immensity

Portal to happiness in thought I pace,

Is reality a dream or my dream is reality?

Hold out to me your wing

of cures in a dream White

Your flower of Lotus white.

Other torrent dreams, waste.


On my parrotback

I’m Kamadeva, angel of longing,

Let's float easily through longing!

Let's fly with longing in the sun

Lovers burn with eternal longing.

Coupled they die of longing, two by two

The small world- The Complete I now fly,

on waves of Abyss, forever to you

From your heart the life Flower

To throw in a dream gap,

Among open portals

From your quiver, the quantum of arrow


Sings to me at the window

the quantum of the sky, a magic one,

Of which, on thousands of threads,

The quanta flow abundantly

Rusty suns are now fading on the frame.

A quantic soul in an eternal flight.

We will be too, we are and we were,

We are the same flight of eternal longing.

Oh, Muse, an angel's dream!

Why I'm looking out among dreams

Living remedies burning unquenchably?

Why do I laugh and then bleed?



Through The Love Spring Live Portal Mithra


High forehead, the plasma mirror moving in wave,

the eyes of the beloved presence are of Mithra, the sparks of the heart.

The living portal of the spring of eternal love, a light,

Source of the left and right ears, the longing for the union.


Angelic energy of the pure divine love Goddess, Isis

embodied in the flower of life hidden in heart dream,

The alchemy of the sacred flame of pure, divine love, Isis

I am Goddess Shakti - the gate of the Light in the heart,


The existence energy in long plaits in connection

with the soul of the galaxy, I Mithra in holy alignment,

the records of the Akashik library, union codes,

Of ebony infinite locks, I Eve from ancient times.


Once these timelines, from the golden age

In this timeline come, we get rid of the curse,

bring possibilities, we change lives, the golden age

germination, each potential is the ultimate potential.


At timelines of self-mastery, aligned to

the purpose of the soul and the reverie of the heart, live portal.

The transformations of life through the iris painted by a dream.

Truth, love and forgiveness, an eternal pattern, live fractal.


Understanding the creation and the creator’s Reflection

the gate of Light, courage, healing, discernment

throught the third eye, the female will to rule

in the service of the whole life and Mother’s living Earth.


Huge force, with her power the seas and mountains you move!

Common soul - star, conceived at the top of Pyramid!

On understanding of creation, of the creator, bend down!

from today, look for the feminine energy under the Pyramid!


With pious thought I float through her Egyptian Pyramid,

Through Mithra’s egalitarian alleies , I radiate a scent of smoke

I give birth to pearls of honor, under your goddess Pyramid

Unity, two dawn roses give birth myhhr on the road.



Towords The Eternal Love Healing Portal


I will continue to believe in love at first sight of two divine rays,

even when people lose their hope’s healing bud.

I will continue to offer plasmatic spheres of love of two divine rays,

even if others spread seeds of disease and hatred without salvation.


I will continue to create unity through plasmatic rays of peace, freedom,

even if someone will destroy the totality’s quantum field of unification.

I will continue to talk with time and space about peace and goodness,

even in the midst of an intergalactic war of hatred I will create totalization.


I will continue to cry out the truth with a torrent of hope, love, happiness,

even when others will muddy the mouth of heaven in the universe

I will draw smiles on faces with bitter tears of longing, joy, love,

happiness, compassion, kindness, hope for the cure of the orders of unicos.


I will bring peace to souls, the key to happiness, plasma as philosophical stone

when I see the black hole of the insatiable plague gnawing your soul

I will give buds of joy of healing, the key plasma as philosophical stone,

buds of happiness to balance where there are only sadness signs.


I will plant the flower of wisdom philosophical stone in the heart of the determined one

to go on on the spiraled abyss of pestilences and cosmic plagues.

I will hardly lift the white-green arms of peace, love but resolutely

to be able to embrace longingly, the wonder seeds of peace, happiness and love


To those who handed them in haste of despair, pain, despair destroyed

by the fangs of the fever of the new stem, revenge with deadly shivers,

Because in the midst of desolation, full of hope, the fruit of unbroken love,

The rebirth Sun will rise with the redemption stalks of the biting corona.


I will continue to illuminate the violet flower of the heart gently gnawed by the plague,

even under a political dictatorship hidden under the white robe of the globe.

I will continue to sow the hope of healing from the wild epidemic disease,

even if someones will trample my harvest of sagebrush the cure-needle of the sheepskin coat .


And in the middle of the desert by the soul suffocated in the ocean of freedom

Grows the purple heart flower, the freedom of springpeacely purrs

There will always be a blue magic bird of piety peace

which softly will sing to us the buds of love, kindness, compassion and peace


A child who will vividly smile at us on a butterfly of eternal green feeling

through the longing breasts of thrill, the spring buds of the soul dew

Humbly kisses the whole soul of the twins black holes suns-loves

Bearing new rainbow worlds, new suns out of the peace of the infinite.



 Mitra Spark Of The Eternal Love Spring


Leaning on the time soul I look with the eye of love at

the unreal dance of dreams ... to wander through the human’s soul,

the heart’s soul I drive away to bring me the gift of the gleam flame,

Fragments, dream splashes with a taste of living the life tree’s soul.


The earth dreams hidden in beings of clay buds, thirsty for

spring. My heart runs fast to the dream’s miss hands, put forth.

The tear of grief in the unmourned ocean, I snatched,

You crushed, unspoken words of the soul, in the eyelashes, the longing tear!


Crystalline tear bursting from the darkness of the earth in thought

cries tenderly, slipping a song of longing into the soul of the spring wave

To bring you back to life, fragments of dreams glide tenderly through the wind,

from the secret of my soul in your longing eye, trembling slightly.


Love! Receive me, Love! Dream wings cut the purplish through longing

Spring born of the dream sun waves to me joy in the smile!

This fire burns me, burns to wake you up to life, with a lot of longing

and I make you feel alive, feelings revealed in a smile!



The rainbow of the heart’s soul, awoken in the colors of love, from numb hearts

reflects the flame of living, gives birth to unspoken, pure feelings

and love flames of plasma rays, out of nothingness arose for the World

Spark of love flashes through a clay body petrified into senses!


You enlightened my life, You lit the spark, I can see your being.

I keep wondering how you do not feel, I could never replace

Deeply Dug dream fragments Eternally Engraved in my heart,

I long madly for you, Beloved portal never forgotten!




ROMANESCU SALOMEEA holds a PhD in the History of International Relations and European Integration - European Integration of Central and Eastern European Countries and Postgraduate European Studies - Center International pour la Formation Europeenne - International Center for European Training (CIFE), Nice, France and Department of Political Science and European Affairs, University of Cologne, Germany. He has a European Master in Human Rights and Democratization - Human Rights and the Democratization Process. University of Padua. He is interested in Conflict Resolution and Peacebuilding for Representatives of Minorities and Indigenous Peoples, UNITER Geneva, - UN, Landegg Academy, Switzerland, Studied 24 foreign languages including Sanskrit and Hindi - through studies at the National Institute of Languages and Oriental Civilizations, France, University of Bucharest.She is interested in creating a new integrative theory of knowledge that brings together the natural, social, applied sciences, worldview and ethics that will lead to the creation of an international system that will create peace through literary work dedicated to the theory of everything but also through thesis of Postgraduate Academic Studies in International Relations and European Integration, National School of Political and Administrative Studies, Bucharest and studies of spirituality and quantum medicine, in the training of the leaders of the world spiritual-informational elite, cosmomanism, cosmology, history of religions. His theory is applied in his poetic work but also in his profession of Business Advisor, Coordinator Training Cycle and training of trainers in the field of management of structural instruments and European affairs, Ministry of Public Finance, Ministry of European Integration. He was a School inspector, Ministry of National Education.She has published Poems for children - Poems for children, philosophical poetry in numerous Anthologies with philosophical poetry awarded first place nationally and internationally. The poem of the healing of humanity encrypts the Theory of Everything capable of secreting a peaceful, integrated societal model of earthly soul happiness.