Tuesday, October 1, 2024



About The War


The war is over, a long time ago.

It started the day you were born,

and stopped with the last bullets

In a barrel.

Nobody's shooting anymore, dude

the tubes remained empty

at the warrior who shot

without mercy.

Fear not, the war is over

a few moments ago

you will find out the news soon

in disbelief.

Trust me the war is over.


A Monologue


I'm listening to the monologue,

I'm waiting.

Everyone speaks monologues

today when it's their turn.

My monologue is about war,

all the wars since my birth.

They were there before.

Maybe they were worse,

But they don't stop.

They line up one after the other.

So I will talk about war,

so my monologue will be the longest.

People won't listen to me

for the longest time.

They will wait their turn the longest while

I was talking about the war,

because war is something

we all know that it exists and will never disappear.

I'm waiting for my monologue.


Church Bells


He sold church bells

to the enemy for weapons.

People saw him as

a hero of his century.

They built a monument to him

on the main square.

To him who sold the church

bells for bullets.

His people were killed

with those bullets.

Everyone is clamoring

for the square

that bears his name.

There is a monument

on it from which it

could pour many bullets

with the name of the man

who sold it church bells."




MARIJA LAZAREVIĆ (Petković) is from Serbia. She is a doctor of medical sciences and a writer. She is the author of ten books. Her poems have been translated into several foreign languages. She is the winner of several literary awards.


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