Sunday, March 1, 2020



I'm Being Shot İn My Humanity

Life is an old street. . .
With its contaminated pavements,
And stone walls in their silence.
I’m sitting and crying
For the lack of love in hearts.
Helpless people’s bulletlike looks are penetrating my marrow.
I'm being shot in my humanity.
Children silently screaming
In the midst of wars.
I know not in what country,
In which geography
They are performing the last act of "peace"
With the hopes taken from their hands. . .
Red colored flowers are blooming on their bodies
As they are falling on the ground like leaves.
The last drops in their lacrimal lakes are
Seeking a way for peace
While a HOPE is
Running down their cheeks.



-In the very heart of the night, my heart flutters. It finds its tongue like telling an old fairy tale.
I paint your undeniable presence on the walls with its most beautiful colors.-

Where the night has withdrawn
When the moon has wrapped the beach without you in its light
When in the whispers of the wind
When waving goodbye to the impossible
After the ship outgoing
That very night
The mirror that took my face out of my hands
Had sunk into the deep waters of reunion.

Now on the same sea
We are two timid alone. . .
In the downpour of the memories
Our skins wake from sleep.
Our voices wander in space,
And interlace bodiless.


On Valentine's Day

I took down your pictures from the wall one by one. . .
Your dusty guitar with missing strings
were waiting for being caressed.
The sad slippers
in conflict with each other
at the head of our mattress.

Now the curtains the moonlight has wrapped
are offended,
and have not shown their faces to the day yet.
Our dreams in the overturned glasses.
Our laughs have remained hidden
in a dusty broken mirror,
and on the torn calendar pages. . .

You are gone,
and I wanted to lay the night over my eyes.
The leady rains have lined up on my eyelashes.
Loneliness is on the alert.
The one that is shot was the last leaf
of the season in my heart
falling on the ground,
floating and turning in the air.
On Valentine’s Day.



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