Thursday, June 1, 2023






whistling the melodies of the wind rose

in the heart of the northern city,

following the faded footprints of those

who passed that way before you were blamed guilty,

just walk – seeking for His justice and will

between silent stones and yellow mud,

just move – until the sharpest blade of thrill

is showing them your way by the line of blood.

don’t catch the cold flames of their fire,

it’s your route, you don’t really need 'em.

He’ll be there – at the point of your entire






Over. No hugs. No kisses.

Nothing about love.

Where are the precious feelings

sent from the high above?


Where are the days I treasured

when each of them was new?

Where are the nights I measured

only by loving you?


Being in love and honest,

haven’t I suffered yet?

Wish I can be the strongest

woman you’ve ever met.





She is thinking of you. She is starting each day by the picture

of your beautiful face, of your thoughtful and caring eyes.

She is thinking of how you are carefully teaching a teacher,

how you’re calling her ‘sunshine’… And, honestly, no one denies

that she’s worth it. And feeling your everyday patience and care

she just couldn’t ignore it. It’s been so fantastic and new

that she’s started to feel – she can fly, she can go anywhere

being all by herself, being happy… and thinking of you.     




VICTORIA SOKOLOVSKAYA: Born in Polotsk, Belarus. Started writing poetry at 16. The author of 3 books of poetry: “The Lady-Bird” (2005), “My Poems” (2010), “Egyptian Notebook” (2019). Laureate of the World Literary and Poetry Competition “The Golden Lyre of Hope” from the First Literary Museum of A.S. Pushkin in the USA (New York, 2003). II degree Laureate of the International Literary Contest dedicated to Agniya Barto’s 115th Anniversary (Sydney, Australia, 2021).


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