Monday, January 1, 2024



I Am A Point


I am a point

in the space,

a blue galaxy full of dreams,

a bird learning to fly between stones,

a fragile robin that needs a green branch

to be happy.


A dove that sometimes takes the wrong path

but always returns to the nest

of its reality.

If I don't have birdseed I do it,

life has taught me

don't stop for anything,

If I don't run, I'll walk

If I don't walk, I crawl.


the mouth of death

many times he has wanted

break my dreams

with his calloused hands,

but he couldn't with me.

does not know

that on the tombstones of failure

I write beautiful silver verses,

that I have a powerful light

that supports my path.

Hells don't burn me

Because I walk on troubled waters,

and often resurrected angels

they visit me.


Heavy Bags Of Loneliness


It's hard to carry the heavy bags of loneliness,

smiling at his sick back,

kiss their hands with a taste of oblivion

and bitter wine.


It is better to turn into stone.

so as not to feel the hurting knives of it,

and ensure that the crying butterflies do not escape.


If we are in the dark corner of loneliness

defenseless and fragile,

without a dog that barks at us,

without true friends to encourage us,

no accompanying flowers

Our garden will look dry and desolate.


Loneliness with its steel gloves.

sometimes it hits us hard

I would like to leave us inactive

like sleeping worms

but in their darkness they hide

beautiful flowers to discover.


Every winter it houses a ray of sunshine inside,

just as every darkness presents a glimpse of light.


We must not succumb to the gray clouds of loneliness,

who always want to see us wet

between insistent showers of pain.


When My Flesh Dies One Day


When my flesh dies one day,

and his trembling legs fall to the ground,

and its bright star goes out

Will revive my spirit,

more live than never

and his generous sisella will continue to fly.


When my light one day needs to go out

will revive my shadow

and she will walk safely, with her head held high;

Present history will be made.


When my sun turns to dust,

His footprints will resurrect,

I am sure that

Its brightness will be like that of new stars.


A poet does not die

because when he leaves

his poetry has

an incalculable eternal brilliance.




EDITH ELVIRA COLQUI ROJAS: Edith Elvira Colqui Rojas, Peruvian poet born in Lima, studied Language and Literature at the Inca Garcilaso de la Vega University and Law at the San Martin De Porres University in Lima. She was a radio host: Poetry Paradise Program. She is the host of the children's program Niño en plenitude. Administrator of the poetry group from Nepal, group from India called Global Vision Literature and manages her own poetry pages and groups on Facebook, (Let's Live in Poetry, United Poets of the World, Children in Plenitude, Full Woman). The art of poetry and literature was born in her from a very young age. He writes in Mundo Poesía España, writes in Poems of the Soul, Shared Verses, The Poet's Attic, World Hispanic Union of Writers, Venezuelan Society of International Art, World Organization of Writers (OME) Parnassus and finally Facebook and Google and in which he has received numerous diplomas and recognitions in various poetic groups. First place in the Jotabé rhyme contest for peace 2019 (Spain), Seventh place in the Antenor Orrego group contest from Peru, Golden Carnation in the Venezuelan Society of International Art. Honorable mention in the Jotabé Ecuador contest. Her Google Poetry blog has more than 80,000 followers. She writes all kinds of poetry:

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