Wednesday, August 1, 2018




Formality needed now
As well as from unsolicited exchanges
And no longer expected.
I sowed trace of apology and bewilderment,
With the heart barefoot with rancour
Trusting in a clean listening free from all hypocrisy.
But life goes as she wants,
It does not matter now if you read,
are not a few lines To change the events between us.
The only possible listening was in my eyes,
But they did not catch yours
on the sidewalk of the meeting.
I've lost your eyes for months
I've replaced them
With an endless list of hi, how are you,
You're beautiful, you're great and so on.
Life goes as she wants.
And it will not be a telegram
To inhibit those impetuous motions dictated by the memory,
shrouded in nostalgia,
Shipwrecked in dirty waters because of other people's chatter.
Thank you for your kind feedback.


Servant of two bosses Of Glory and Ambition
He was blinded From others’ projects.
Harlequin Prisoner of himself
he did not catch
The chance to live.
Amputated the candor
Muttered the listening
Blocked the fridge
Of the Speaking Cricket.
could Dante fly Without his Beatrice?
Stopper to the desires
Muzzle to the soul
And tinkering with real coins.
If this recipe
Is now his belief there is no difference
With the cithara of the aeth.
This is mercenary fun tool for the noblesse
Who is camping out at the palace.


On the pavement of life
Between a cliff and a narrow strip
she has sown steps
Without leaving footprints.
she came on tiptoe
Without making noise
Antidote to Little bourgeois boredom .
The voice was her force
Of that appearance,
Rebellious from the beginning
To every status quo…
Sounding was the trail
Of her litany…
Moleste for the majority as Beelzebub,
And a bit indigestible
When she lends her heart drawing footprints
Which will not be removed.


CLAUDIA PICCINNO was born in the south of Italy in1970, but she moved very young in the north of Italy where she currently lives and where she teaches in a primary school,  she is scholastic referent land for education at reading. Operating in more than eighty anthologies, even abroad (India, Malesia, Singapore, Turkey, China) she’s a former member of the jury in many national and international literary prizes. She has published. “La sfinge e il pierrot”, Aletti Editore, 2011. “Potando l’euforbia” in Transiti Diversi, Rupe Mutevole Edizioni, 2012. “Il soffitto, cortometraggi d’altrove”, La Lettera Scarlatta Edizioni, 2013. Ragnatele Cremisi”- La Lettera Scarlatta Edizioni, settembre 2015. “Ipotetico approdo”  versione bilingue italiano- inglese Mediagraph edizioni, ottobre 2017. With english version also “Il soffitto, cortometraggi d’altrove” La Lettera Scarlatta Edizioni maggio 2014- in serbian language “Tabahnha” ed.Majdah luglio 2014. In turkish & english language Tavan Baska Yerlerdeki Kisa Filmier,Artshop, Istanbul 2016. In Serbian language  “Grimizna Paucina” Alma editore, Belgrado, ottobre 2017. In french language  Pourpre toile d’araignée” Edilivre, Paris 2018. In turkish & English language Karaya Cikma Hayali, Artshop, Istanbul 2018. She is author foreground with effect in June 2015 in the World Group Pentasi B, and In Oup archives international since May 2016, she works to promote poetry based on respect and appreciation of differences, she fights to prevent gender predjudices. She has received awards in major national and international competitions of poetry, including an honorable mention in the Paris 1st Word Literary Prize and a 3rd prize in Lugano, Switzerland, 3rd prize in Albania; She has been the first italian poetess to be awarded with The Stelae of Rosetta, World Literary Prize in Istanbul on November 2016. .She was conferred Pentasi awards in Ghana,and in India. Since February 2018 she was conferred honour aknowledgement as editorial member of Indian cultural centre Sahitya Anand ISSN2320-5075/UGC APPROVAL NO.64372 RNI REGISTRATION Mahmul2014/49894 She was conferred with the most prestigious award “World icon for peace” for Wip in Ondo city, Nigeria, on April 2017.” Winners at Naji Naaman's literary prizes 2018, Libano. She was special guest for Europe at FemininIstanbul festival in October 2017. She was special guest at Belgrado Book Fair and at Matica,29 october 2017. She was special guest for Italy in Istanbul Unesco Poetry Festival,20-23 march 2018. Her poem "In Blue" is played on a majolica stele posted on the seafront in Santa Caterina di Nardo (Le). On June 2016, she was art director in an art & poetry international exhibition called June in Italy She is italian editor for the international literary magazine Rosetta World Literatura in Turkey and for  Atunis Magazine in Albania. She usually writes for Oup archives, Setu literature magazine She has also written numerous  critical essays or prefaces about other poets’ books. She has translated from English into italian language lots of authors. She lately got a gold medal for poetry at Lunigiana Center of Study about Dante Alighieri. She cooperates with her verses to some art catalogues. Her poems have been translated into Arabic, Spanish, Turkish, Serbian, French, Chinese, Hindi,Greek, Polish languages.

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