Friday, July 1, 2016




I have never thrown away may heart
Since I met you at the first time
Though there are so many lovely flowers to seduce
But never i spare my time to talk
Because the lighting is not sparkling
There are some of them speaking loudly
I never care of saying my love
Only God knows the whispering of my heart
Which never have a little confused
But so far my love will be near to come
You are really one of them in mind
Never be betrayed forever
Let the other stars be witnesses
Not to forget even a single minute for not saying good bye
Since the love is pure
Never be exchanged and never be exchanged


to me

The sky is bright
It is like the ocean
It gives all advantages
It makes fantastic
Not like the rain
It brings happiness for the creatures
While sometimes brings unlucky for others
And the sun is smiling
To give lightning for us all
Whereas the earth is bright
Caused by the lighting
I thanks for the moon
The earth is not a moonless planet
Though it is a night to sleep
Its lighting can be enjoyed
Wherever i go your lighting is bright
I appreciate how beautiful the lives is
I thank for the creator to submit
That's all for us



I have been proud of your care
Since years and years
Never i forgot once in lives
All what you said is in thy thought
It looks like waterfall
Never stops even a single minute
It walks down the hill with daffodils

I sometimes see throughout the sky
Its lightning is like a rainbow
Which makes me astonished
No wonder if all are surprising
Because of its good smell with perfume
Never i forgot to bring
Wherever i go be put in thy bag
But no one is brave to disturb

Since it sounds like an angel from heaven
Never says good bye though her eyes is small
But it is clear to see
That's be a hope for the next up
Before miles away to sleep while i am in the lives
Before miles away to sleep while i am in the lives



Consciousness will make man realize
As long as this world be thought too much

Whereas the forests and jungles belong to us
To compare what is being seen is not a false

No place to run away
Except the earth, determined for the man

While the nature is everything for the lives
Not for the scoundrel, murderer,thieves

Even technology wishes to search for
The place be fine for the lives

But not so easy to do so
That's the pleasure of living comes up to enjoy



I came from the war
All are missing
Nobody is in lives

There were so many victims
Useless life was identified
Since the flowers are not blooming

So far the bullets are in the air
Surprising why the man fight
What is wrong ?

Only to grasp the name
Consciousness is poor because of property
The bright man is in the thought



Never i go with the wind
to blow up my hope
since life seems so fair

Whenever i come to realize
what it is and so on
for the further lives

While the nature belongs to us
Not for the enemies
to destroy the hope

It must not be like the waterfall
to go wherever it likes
and that is the lives seems so

Only humanity comes to normalize
Be appointed to be a key of lives
from the young generations up to the next

Is not like a bubble blows up in the air
Since the live is like flowers
Growing up without blooming

That be kept in mind
And not to throw away
For every single of lives on the earth

So that God be with us always
Not to get banishment as a result
Where as the moral be not collapse
Everybody hopes from now and then


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