Monday, October 1, 2018




From the orchestra of sensations
only moments are stopped in time.
They remain,
they last like an inclusion hidden in amber.
The past veiled by the memory
of stone nature.

My mind are the corals of the past,
monads of memories
immersed in a whirl of madness.
The corals of the future crystallize
into indeterminacy.
Fortune will materialize tomorrow.

Z orkiestry doznań
tylko chwile są zatrzymane w czasie.
trwają jak inkluzja ukryta w bursztynie.
Przeszłość zawoalowana pamięcią
kamiennej natury.

Mój umysł to korale przeszłości,
monady wspomnień
zanurzone w wirze szalonego biegu.
Korale przyszłości krystalizują się
w nieokreśloność.
Przypadek zmaterializuje jutro.


To Wlodzimierz Szpinger
In the gap of an old floor
she found a picture.
On the easel she has set
not her memories.
probably a poet.

Pencil, paper,
scattered thoughts
that cannot be heard, but can be seen.
He thought about parting? Or about...
She lied.

She did not know what he was thinking,
she did not even know if it was...?
How to paint a poet?
How to paint not your thoughts?

Rozsypane myśli
Włodkowi Szpingerowi
W szczelinie starej podłogi
znalazła obrazek.
Na sztaludze ustawiła
nie swoje wspomnienia.
chyba poeta.

Ołówek, kartka,
rozsypane myśli,
których nie słychać, ale widać.
Myślał o rozstaniu? Albo o...

Nie wiedziała o czym myślał,
nie wiedziała nawet, czy to...?
Jak namalować poetę?
Jak namalować nie swoje myśli?


At the gate,
on the atoll of happiness
with lips
painted in a smile,

In a closed space
of its own pleasure,
it quietly departs.

Although power and impotence
is always with it,
it loses priceless time
 life.

Rozmalowane usta

W bramie,
na atolu szczęśliwości
z ustami
rozmalowanymi uśmiechem,

W zamkniętej przestrzeni
własnych przyjemności
po cichutku odchodzi.

Choć moc i niemoc
jest zawsze z Nią,
traci bezcenny czas

ELIZA SEGIET – Master's Degree graduate in Philosophy. Completed postgraduate studies in Cultural Knowledge, Philosophy, Penal Revenue and Economic Criminal Law, Arts and Literature at Jagiellonian University, as well as Penal Revenue Law, Film and Television Production in Lodz. Torn between poetry and drama. Likes to look into the clouds, but keeps both feet on the ground. Her heart is close to the thought of Schopenhauer: "Ordinary people merely think how they shall 'spend' their time; a man of talent tries to 'use' it". Featured poet of the Month (June 2017) in The Year of the Poet 14 in the USA. Author's poem "Questions" was the Publication of the Month (August 2017) Author the International Publication of the Year (2017) in Spillwords Press. Laureate of the International Special Prize "Frang Bardhi – 2017". Second place in the International Competition "Nature 2017-2018" for the poem "Bunches of Fruit". Author of the Month (January/February 2018) in Spillwords Press. Author of the Month (May 2018) in the Indian Our Poetry Archive. Featured poet of the Month (July 2018) in The Year of the Poet in the USA. Featured poet of the Month (September 2018) in The Year of Poet in the USA. Author's works can be found in anthologies and literary magazines in Poland and abroad (Albania, Australia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Chile, Canada, Great Britain, India, Kosovo, Philippines, Portugal, Romania, Scotland, Singapore, Spain, Sweden, USA, Zambia).

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