Sunday, January 1, 2023



Culturally Coloured


Shall I compare Thee

To an Autumn Day

With fire tongues licking

a snow kissed field


streams of light

that dance and curl

a crown of hair

a day laid bare?


If I clothe the Word

the One

the Three

the sound

is a cultural colour.


Easter Gift


The Dance Maker danced with words

like none had ever heard


How poor are our translations!

He plucked ears of corn

and the corns of years

were plucked

and ears were opened at His touch.

Each seed He sowed

produced "100 fold"

like water rippling on and on

His life and work continue strong.

Nothing shall destroy it.

Though death pursued Him all the time

this life-line ladder - "Fresh new wine"

quenched the fires of hell

licking at His feet

and made a bridge

so God and man could meet.


One Of A Kind


There’s no-one like me.

I’m one of a kind

So be kind to me.


There’s no-one like you

You’re one of a kind

So be kind

To yourself.

There’s no-one like God.

He’s one of a kind.

He is kind.


Living Art


The seed of heaven


The unmoving dark

With an infinity of colours

Creating living art


Little art pieces

everyone different

jig sawed apart

or “Placed” together

giving the world a glimpse

of the great work of art


The Art maker

sculptured flesh

from mud

revealed life in blood

and exhibited






JENNIFER PHILLIPS is a Christian author and has been a member of a number of organisations including the Gold Coast Writers Association and the Australian Federation of Graduate Women, where she served as the ACT president for a term and the vice president. She is a registered teacher and has developed courses, including a successful early reading program. She has taught all ages and authored nine books covering a range of subjects including poetry. She is internationally known for her unique forms of poetry. She was awarded the university title of Massey Scholar, and has won awards in other fields as well as poetry and academic writing.


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