Sunday, January 1, 2023



In The Shock Of Time

He Resurrects Every Hour


And a breath of closed darkness is heard,

in the ford of the gloomy sepulcher.

A deep sigh of gaze shines in the dark.

A faint moan rises to the lips.

The apogee of the sad calvary rejects the shroud.


He comes from

the long path of infinite abyss,

the Son of Man... Scion of God.


He regains possession of the lost body.


Death bows to Life,

throws down

scepter and crown,

mistreated sovereign of nothingness.


Denied his dark garment,

for the desire to be a Son that honors his Father,

in what was already written then;

for the desire to embody love... again...

and again...


In the shock of time,

he resurrects every hour.


I've Looked For You


I've looked for you,

in the folds of past days,

inside the rigid caverns,

inside all the stables,

of animals and scattered hay.


I've looked for you,

over the steps the waters of the furrowing seas,

among the flocks of the green valleys,

in the fields of olive trees,

then brambles of wild blackberries.


I've looked for you,


inside churches and nativity scenes,

on the paths of the world

and on the path of torment.


I've looked for you,

in carrying your cross,

until, I exhausted,

on the same,

the Evil

crucified me.


And then I looked for you

on the white clouds

and also, among the stars.

And at last, I found you,

to travel on bright comets.


My Lord


My Lord,


who invoked your Heavenly Father,

acquittal generator,

to absolve any perpetrated guilt

on your material body.



which, from the predestined cross,

for those who humiliated you,


crowned by sharp brambles,

on the difficult climb to Calvary dragged,

just as you were condemned to the extreme torture

- who pierced your hands and feet

 to such walnut wood,

to reach death -

to our Eternal Father,

you begged for forgiveness ...



for those who,

of Truth of Your Divine Being,

asserting them unaware,

you conjured the common Almighty Father

to indulge their blasphemous spirit...


You have discounted,

among the disparate sins of the world,

the future sins of other slanderous assassins,

even if they are conscious of sacrificing,

on the desecrated altar,

innocent helpless victims,

to consecrate the Aryan race,

in their foolish folly to purify the uman race?



have you forgiven them?


Grant that, in Heaven,

they have not traced,

of the ascended martyrs,

the steps...

In reverse,

make them fall into eternal darkness,

in order to damn,

among imperishable infernal flames.




IRIS VIGNOLA: The author Iris Vignola was born in La Spezia, where she has always lived. Nel fantastico mondo delle fiabe is her collection of twelve stories for children and for those who still love to dream, published in three different editions, with different illustrations. The latest edition is  "Nel fantastico mondo delle fiabe - Into the fantastic world of the fairy tales", enriched with new illustrations, created by the author, in collaboration with her granddaughters Irene and Veronica and in double Italian and English version. Her first poem "A mia madre" is inserted in the anthology of various poets “Poems for a mother”. Her poetry books are "Unico Amore" (the first, written with the poet Horion Enky) - "Non sogno e non realtà" - "Dinanzi a me, c'è solo il mondo" - "Mi voltai... e vidi quel fiore". "Streghe, folletti e fate filastrocche magiche e favole incantate" and "Filastrocche magiche e favole incantate" are two books for children, both in collaboration with Horion Enky. Her fantasy trilogy is "La Stirpe di Luce - Dynasty of Light". The first book is "La scelta di Asaliah - Asaliah's choice" in the Italian and English version.The second book is " Le Origini - The Origins". The third book is “Nephilim: Angelica e demoniaca genesi - Nephilim: Angelic and demoniac genesis”. Some of her lyrics are published in more anthologies of various poets, made solely for charitable purposes.


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