Saturday, June 1, 2024




Angels Of The World


Wind on the road, rain, bad weather,

Snow clouds are exhausting…

Fear of the first, trembling nerves.

Who will help, who?


The cold is shaky thin threads

People are weaving, piercing.

Don't get lost, say goodbye to someone.

Who will help, who?


                            Angels of the world, come together, fly.

                            Angels of the world, save me!

                            Take away the sadness with a magical light

                            Specify the true path.


A sharp word is like a shackle,

Instead of a smile, a grin.

Gray days in the abyss, as it were.

Who will help, who?


Having wounded the heart, it washes it with a tear,

Enveloping the soul in pleas.

We ask for salvation and peace.

Who will help, who?




A couple of notes and a few words -

It's in my love song

I was sad at the fa and before,

So upsetting my phono.


What happened, tell me?

The turns are back in tune.

The conversation is back in septim,

Reproach is followed by reproach again.


You, harmony, help me!

Save the music of love.

A chord is followed by another chord,

And only the word "I'm sorry".


Suddenly the melody came to life,

Giving love two wings.

It's like a heartbeat tremolo,

You, harmony, are the best friend.


My soul is in consonance,

Listen to music without breathing.

Know that love can be saved

Only, in a word, I'm sorry.


Life Will Put Everything In Its Place


Thoughts are the creation of a sage,

And the word is right

In the subtle matter of the Creator, he will come to life.

Transforming this light

With bright thoughts,

We will protect ourselves from troubles.          


Someone is sinning meekly,

And someone seems to,

So filling this world with vanity.

Someone is spoiled by fate,

And someone is worried

In search of the simple truth.


 Life will put everything in its place,

 And this is the truth.

 Eternity is ordained by God, not by us.

 The globe of the earth is rushing in a circle,

And this is the truth,

 So bringing you and me closer.




IRINA SHULGINA: Born in the Siberian city of Krasnoyarsk. Graduated from KSAMT. Composer, poetess, singer, vocal teacher. Honored Worker of Culture of the Krasnoyarsk Territory. Soloist Kras. state Philharmonic Ensemble "KrasA" Head of the family ensemble "Sisters". The Shulgin family is a laureate of the All-Russian competition "Family of the Year". Honorary Worker of Literature and Art of the LIK International Academy (Germany). Academician of the Petrovsky Academy of Sciences and Arts (St. Petersburg). Academician MARLEY (Canada). Academician LIK (Germany). Representative of the Federation of the World Society of Culture and Arts of Singapore. Member of the Union of Songwriters Kras. the edges. Member of ISP (Moscow). Member of SPSA and ISAI. The author of more than 300 songs in different genres, hymns, which are performed by soloists and groups from different regions of Russia. Laureate of International and All-Russian competitions. Grand Prix of the International Competition in France. Winner of the competition of individual grants of the governor of the region, for his personal contribution to the preservation and development of culture. Recipient of the Order of Merit in Literature and Art.


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