Saturday, June 1, 2024



Because You Are Next To Me


I don’t want to see this pretty sky above.

I don’t want to count the stars by cancelations.

I don’t like to write ode about the moon,

neither to glorify the sun.


Because you are next to me

I am the happiest man.

I will cover with kisses

your lips million times;

Many more times

than the stars can be count

in the whole Universe.


Because you are next to me

I dive into your eyes – they are my stars.

I touch your silent face – it’s my shiny moon.

I glide my fingers in your golden hair

– it’s my rays of the Sun. I swear,


please be with me every day and night.

I swear, million times,

I won’t look anymore to find “the one”.

I will give you love; I will give you, my heart.

Please go with me hand and hand for eternity.


My Morning Coffee Cup


Good morning, new day!

Let me open my eyes.

Don’t go away, Sun.

Don’t hide behind the puffy clouds.


My both hands hug a cup

with a dark shimmery liquid,

bursting delicious aroma

that wakes me up.


I’m adding some fresh drops

of silky vanilla cream;

sprinkling chocolate zest.

Oh, the taste impresses

my tongue and my mind.


It awakes up my brain;

every cell of my body can pulse.

I can clearly think.

I’m feeling the strength

to go through all obstacles.


Every sip dazzles my lips.

Every drop worms up my soul

and makes me dream

about the upcoming day.


I’m changing my cozy sleepers

with a pair of business shoes;

I’m changing my soft fluffy robe

with affectionate suit.


After all delicious coffee sips,

I have no excuse to be weak.

Good morning, new day!

And you Sun, shine brighter over my way!


I Don’t Like to be Lonely Tonight


Just be silent

and hug me stronger,

hug me stronger and stronger.

I‘d like to lean on your chest.

I’d like to hear

the beat of your heart.


Just be silent,

deem the candles tonight

and guide me entwined

in a flaming tango love dance.

Glide your burning palms.

I’d like to feel your touch.


Press me stronger,

press me stronger and stronger.

I will close my eyes.

I’d like to feel every pulse.

I will hold my breath

in passionate trance.


I’ll be yours; you’ll be mine.

I don’t like to be lonely tonight.


Proposal Under The Arctic Lights


Dancing flowers on the cosmic palette

lightened the Arctic Taigà. There was no purgа́.

A gentle whisper of a Nordic wind

broke the celestial silence.


Snowy owl sang its song

from a branch of a sleepy log.

We walked under the shiny arch 

created by needles of frost.


In this long Arctic night

love flames danced in my heart.

They followed the celestial rhythms.

My breath was taken away.


” Would you marry me?”,

I was only able to say.


NOTE: purgа́ [pʊrˈɡa] (from Fin language purku) - very strong blizzard, snowstorm. Due to cultural diaspora, it is in use in Nordic, Siberian and Alaskan languages.

NOTE: Taigа́ [ˈtaɪ gə] - also called boreal forests, a forest of the cold, subarctic region, between the tundra and steppes of Europe, Asia, and North America.


The Moon And I (Nestinarka)


At midnight,

Like a huge abalone shell

Right above the lilac trees

The moon stopped up there

On the top of the blossoming hill.


Beneath the silent sapphire sky

She was watching me pouring softly

Her milky shimmering light,

Then she covered my naked body

With a cape of velvety stars.


She washed all my feminine sins

And my secretly shared desires

With a morning innocent mist...

She was there my sister in crime

Guiding my Nestinarian trance

Landing softly on my weakened palms.


Yes, we did. We, both at once,

Stopped…the time... chanting your name

On the blossoming hill above,

Crossing steps in an oracle dance -


Only us, the moon and I,





Miss PETROUCHKA ALEXIEVA: “You must face life obstacles with strength and dedication, but healthy dosage of humor is the best weapon to survive” (P. Alexieva). Ms Alexieva is known as a well-developed LOVE poetry and a feminist writer, a guest-lecturer, academic mentor, key note speaker, TV talent and a highly recognized scholar. She was first published at age of 16 in the national poetry magazine “Rodna Rech”, Bulgaria. She is a Cum Laude graduate at CSULA (2009) and “All American Scholar Award“recipient (2008). She is a life-time member of four distinguished scholar societies. Ms. Alexieva’s poems appeared every Wednesday on ”Daheli Live!”  TV show. Ms. Alexieva speaks 8+ languages. Her literary, scholarly and photo-documentaries were highlighted in academic publishing, anthologies, feminist magazines, newspapers, opening ceremonies and numerous open mics in USA, Australia, Hungary, Romania, Transylvania, Bulgaria. Her lectures and poetry writings include, but not limited to ethnic cultures, ethnomusicology, and Japanese Tanka, as well. Most of them relates to women in traditional perspective, gender identity and contemporary feminism. She worked tirelessly with gifted and talented children – in ICAF, NASA, Visa Olympics and more. For her outstanding life-long honorary achievements, Ms. Alexieva’s name was included two times among the most distinguished Earth’s citizens list of NASA’s Mars Exploration Rover (2003) capsule and Science Laboratory Rover (2011) list, for which she has awarded with honorable certificates, as well. Her poem “My Gypsy Soul” dedicated to Sally Ride, the first American female astronaut, was recently selected for “Message in the Bottle" program of NASA's Europa Clipper Mission.


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