Saturday, June 1, 2024



Life With Verdancy


Life with Verdancy

No doubt

The mother earth serves one and all

Ungrudgingly in his short sojourn

Where every avenue for it’s pilgrims

Resonates with the footfall

Of vibrant hopes, luxury and convictions.


The fall of autumn leaves

And the meandering streams of the valleys

Passing through the

Hillock and the terrain

Generate polemic, contentious lures

Over the swept terraces

With magnifying persuasions.


A brilliancy in life is nourished

Through the echoing temple bells

Not only one

but through many a spell.


Life is a struggle for existence

And to make it verdant

A continual effort to be embarked

To pull it out of the abyss of jealousy

and distrust.


A fine touch and a radiant smile

on the lips

Reverberates kindness in to the

Lending ears

A smallest act of caring can symbolize humility

As the honest compliments

That would drag to over- hear

The footfall of the verdancy of life.


The Illusive Freedom


Freedom when is denied,

Tears one at a loss

To make out a meaning of life

Being that it appears in all possible ways

As if is a wilted flower

On a healthy blooming branch of a tree.


Despite every odd

A strong desire coagulates in mind

To fly over the wide sky as a free bird!

Singing the glory of life

Beyond the sturdiness

Of the circumventing chains.


Tired of being caged

Under the unwarming trend of adultery

The inner me yells

To meet the world of comparison desperately

And strive hard to search for an opening

with broken wings

Instead, I am thrown to an undefined dungeon

Beyond a state of solace

By powerful arms of a human being


Yet to live with laughter 

And a smile on the lips

I look forward to soar over

The azure sky 

As an uncaged tiny bird

Free from any inclination and sorrows

And feel free farther than

The illusive thoughts of the hazed freedom. 


Symphony Of Love


A path drenched with muds of love

Bulges out from no where

With magnificent colors of rainbow.


A lonely traveler feels the ecstatically voice of Love

Gets anxious to quench his thirst of a holy union.


Like blind birds

The world tests the fruits sweet and sour.


Humanism Not A Dream


Life flows like a brook

And will go on like this for ever

Dismantling all obstacles with a pleasant murmur.


Evidently death will knock at the door

Sometime beyond one’s reach

Whether one fears or not

Yet the only transcendental love   

Interlocking the human race

Can negotiate a delay

 Before it ties the knot.


Life is a pious stream

It is all about laughing and

tuning one's heart

To sing bizarrely the songs of humanism

That would allow an illuminated laugh.


The Void Echo


When flames of jealousy and horror engulf life ,

Where can one hide himself

From the clutches of the paws of mistrust and mischief.


Young and old hands are stretched

With void echoes in pain for help and assistance

A painful and panic scene is seen

With rolling tears of helplessness.


On the collapsed walls of a blown-out house of Hope's and empathy

 An innocent dove is cooing to thrive

And a bereaved lark is spending her time in crying for sympathy.




RAJASHREE MOHAPATRA: Born in Odisha in India has received her master’s degree in ' History ‘and 'Journalism and Mass Communication' from Utkal University, Odisha. She is a teacher by profession. Being a post graduate in ' Environmental Education and Industrial Waste Management ' from Sambalpur University Odisha, she has devoted herself as a Social Activist for the cause of social justice, Environmental issues and human rights in remote areas through non-governmental organizations. Poetry, Painting and Journalism are her passions.

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