Saturday, August 1, 2020



Miracle Of Love

All desire
accumulated over the years,
was released that night.
There was no time to sleep.
In a hotel by the sea,
with a slight inclination,
a new dawn greets us,
with a clear light,
another sunrise joins us.
Wonders of nature, sky and sea,
are endless and large,
like the miracle of love
we felt that morning.
And fear arose:
Are we building a sand tower?
What if we wake up from this dream?
Will it be in reality as well?
Then the hope grows
that this dream will never pass.
And when there is no more heaven, sea,
common dawns,
you and me,
we will have
one dream come true,
we will have,
only ours,


Sva žudnja
akumulirana godinama,
oslobođena je te noći.
Nije bilo vremena za san.
U hotelu na obali mora
blagim naklonom
pozdravi nas nova zora,
svjetlošću bistrom
pridruži nam se još jedan izlazak sunca.
Čuda prirode, nebo i more,
nepregledna su i velika
kao čudo ljubavi
koju osjetismo tog jutra.
I bojazan se javi:
Kulu od pijeska da li gradimo?
Šta kad se iz ovog sna probudimo?
Hoće li ga biti i na javi?
Zatim naraste i nada
da ovaj san neće proći nikada.
I kad ne bude više neba, mora,
zajedničkih zora,
tebe i mene,
imat ćemo
jedan ostvareni san,
imat ćemo,
samo naše,

Let The New Poem Wait ...

On plain paper,
from the messy letters in my head,
the time is long overdue
to make the poem new.

On the sheet, already yellowed old
spots, furrows, patterns,
crumpled, torn edges,
and countless times written
one and the same name,
do not give that, on the new page,
bright, cheerful rhymes sprout.

And just about every time
when the arm moves
some new lines to write,
chasing determination, courage and strength,
I see that one and the same name
and feel
one furrow, painful but dear.

And I let go...
Let the new song wait ...
Let it germinate slowly and ripen
until time clears the furrow
and until fades
what was before.


Na čistom papiru,
od u glavi zbrkanih slova,
vrijeme je odavno
da pjesma nastane nova.

Na listu već požutjelom starom
mrlje, brazde, šare,
zgužvani, poderani rubovi,
i bezbroj puta ispisano
jedno te isto ime,
ne daju da na novoj strani
niknu svijetle, vedre rime.

I baš svaki put
kada ruka krene
neke nove retke da ispiše,
hineći odlučnost, hrabrost i snagu,
ugledam ono jedno te isto ime,
jednu brazdu, bolnu, al' dragu.

I pustim...
Pjesma nova neka čeka...
Neka polako klija i zrije
dok vrijeme brazde ne izbriše
i dok ne izblijedi
što je bilo prije.

War Again

I walked through town today
Empty streets
Closed stores
In the market, empty shelves
Abandoned parks
In heavy bags
Bread, fruit and pills
This is war
Different aggressor
Different weapons
Different, twice older, me
Different, a hundred times more lonely, me
The same creepiness that feeds into the soul
The same concern for children and family
The same human natures
that suddenly show their true faces
Same disbelief
Same unpreparedness
Same astonishment
Whatever it is
War does no good to anyone
And two wars in one life
It's too much
It's too much

Rat opet

Prođoh danas gradom
Puste ulice
Zatvorene prodavnice
Pusti parkovi
U teškim kesama hljeb, voće i lijekovi
Ovo je rat
Drugi je napadač
Drugačije oružje
Drugačija, duplo starija ja
Drugačija, sto puta više sama ja
Ista je jeza koja se uvlači u dušu
Ista je briga za djecu i porodicu
Iste su ljudske naravi
Koje odjednom pokažu svoja prava lica
Ista je nevjerica
Ista je nepripremljenost
Ista zaprepaštenost
Kakav je da je
Rat nikome ne donosi dobro
A dva rata u jednom životu
Previše je
Previše je

SELMA KOPIĆ: Professor of Bosnian Language and Literature. Birthday: April 13, 1962. Place of birth: Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina. Foreign language: English. Awards and representation of my works: First prize for the story on the occasion of World Week ''Every child needs a teacher'', Tuzla, 2006. THIRD AWARD '' Mak Dizdar '' for an unpublished collection of poems ''Puzzle'',  Stolac, BiH, 2008. (Croatian Cultural Society ''Progress'' Tuzla published 10 poems from this collection in the Gradovrh Yearbook).  Third ‘’Tihomir Lesic’’ Award for Newspaper Story, "Tuzlanski list", Tuzla, BiH, 2008.  ''The most beautiful songs of the region'', ''Avlija'' Rozaje, Montenegro, 2014. "Knight of European Poetry", PEN Center, Sarajevo, BiH, my poem is selected among the top 10, 2014. ''The most beautiful songs of the region'', ''Avlija'' Rozaje, Montenegro, 2015. Competition of Love ''Songs of Songs'', Mrkonjic Grad, BiH, Award for the most beautiful love poem about longing, 2016. 102 poems dedicated to the great poet, The Musa Ćazim Ćatić Literary Prize, Odzak, BiH-Munich, Germany, Anthology '' Das am onaj tihi lahor'', 2017. Contest of Love '' Songs over Songs '', Mrkonjic Grad, BiH, Award or the most emotional love poem, 2018. 142 selected poems dedicated to the great poet, Literary Prize "Musa Ćazim Ćatić", Odžak, BiH - Munich, Germany, Anthology ‘’Ne gledaj me, ljepote ti tvoje", 2019 . The contest of love '' Songs over songs '', Mrkonjic Grad, BiH, Award for the most emotional love poem, 2019. Competition of ''Miroslav Mika Antic'' Association Inđija, Serbia, Anthology '' Garavi sokak '', three songs, 2019. 142 poems dedicated to the great poet, Musa Ćazim Ćatić Literary Prize, Odžak, BiH-Munich, Germany, anthology in preparation, 2020. Yearbook of the '' Revival '' Municipal Society of Gracanica, Bosnia and Herzegovina, two stories, Magazine '' Avlija '', 2020.

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