Monday, November 1, 2021




Four In The Morning


The sun is unraveling the braid on the surface of the water,

the radiance penetrates the depths,

the breeze will shine.


Talking waves rush to the shore

putting up with white shells,

as gifts of the deep.


And I would like to lose myself in a moment,

carry it over and over it

earthly existence.


The wind blows the breath of the sea

and as if from the hand of a master,

fills the painting with the scent of amber.


Trees and grass in the dunes

they stay motionless

and only the soul tries to fly away.



My Children


Maybe I could learn

your adulthood,

she cut off, which allows

run your own way.


Freed from love,

which more than life,

in the evenings she did not hum

the famous lullaby.


And she stopped taking pictures

cry with tenderness,

although they whisper softly -

mom, it's time to rest.


Maybe I could learn.

Although she tried

just how, where to start.

I do not know.



Take A Look


They are there

discreetly looking down from above.

Not available,

immersed in darkness.


Yet the soul levitates

under the star fishery,

we throw dreams

when they rain down.



dressed in shapes,

inaccessible by sight,

not called the language of man.


Yes, they are there

they visit the earth.

"Strangers" are intelligent

silent observers




JADWIGA BUJAK-PISAREK Born on May 22, 1957 in Świebodzice. Clothing technician by profe Jssion. Editor and Secretary of Winner of many poetry competitions. Poet of the Year 2015 honored with statuettes by the editors of Dziennik E-Literaci for all his activities in the field of literature in the last five years 2010-2015 and the 100th anniversary of Independence for long-term cooperation. A member of the "Literary Platform in Koszalin", the "Witryna" Literary Association in Stalowa Wola. A member of the "Kwadrat" International Literary Group in Krakow. A member of the Association of Polish Authors in Warsaw. A member of the Poetic Group of Poetic Conversations with God, Warsaw. A member of the "Peron Literacki" Poetic Group in Koszalin. A member of the "Phoenix Pen Poetry" Group. She has published four volumes and is the co-author of six literary numbers. Thirteen anthologies one religious and three international. Her poems are translated into English and are published in the international monthly "OUR POEZJE ONLINE ONLINE ARCHIVE, MONTH OF POETRY." For several years, she has been publishing on, where he has gained many regular readers. festivals, literary workshops and meetings: Patriotic Song and Poetry Festival in Lubaczów - 3rd place in the poem "Even today"; First, second and fourth festival "Lubaczowska Poetic Autumn" in Lubaczów, where her two poems were available to the Kresy Museum; • Participant 15. "Jurassic poetic autumn" in Zloty Potok and "F of the Słowiańska Poetry poetry "Cieszyn 2015. Project participant entitled. "ACTIVE SENIOR" Founder of the independent Saffo Poet group in GBP in Zebrzydowice and organizer of cyclical poetry meetings in Zebrzydowic


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