Tuesday, August 1, 2023





It's not autumn that scares me

Big white clouds in the sky

cross the weather

With bursts of rain at first weak

And then like a storm washing over minds.

It is my advancing autumn,

the cold has not blossomed

But in the air is the scent of moss and mildew

Of memories increasingly blurred.

Your skin is covered with a light layer of leaves

fuzzy stains that bring you

To the reality of an advancing age.

There is the taste of a wonderful season

That of awareness and the latest changes

Of the right balance after years of walking.

It is time to rest from the struggles but ready for

the last season of love.

©Regina Resta 




Non è l’autunno a farmi paura

grossi nuvoloni bianchi nel cielo

attraversano il tempo

con scrosci di pioggia prima deboli

e poi come una tempesta a lavare le menti.

E’ il mio autunno che avanza,

il freddo non è sbocciato

ma nell’aria si sente il profumo di muschio e muffa

dei ricordi sempre più sfocati.

La pelle si ricopre di uno strato leggero di foglie

macchie sfumate che ti portano

alla realtà di un’età che avanza.

C’è il sapore di una stagione meravigliosa

quella della consapevolezza e degli ultimi cambiamenti

del giusto equilibrio dopo anni di cammino.

E’ tempo di riposo dalle lotte ma pronti per

l’ultima stagione d’amore.

©Regina Resta 




Time, complacent magician,

is a voice-over

That pours its plots into me.

It becomes breath to breathe

desire and contradiction.

Curled up I do not notice

Of the encroachment of my soul

That limits every conception of existence.

We collapse together as unexpressed thoughts

Seeking oblivion in the rusty locks

Of closed fisted hearts.

The hope of eternity are only written words

Chance occupies the space of a dot.

©Regina Resta 




Il tempo, compiacente prestigiatore,

è una voce fuori campo

che riversa in me le sue trame.

Diventa respiro da respirare

desiderio e contraddizione.

Raggomitolata non mi accorgo

dell’invadenza della mia anima

che limita ogni concezione di esistenza.

Franiamo insieme come pensieri inespressi

Cercando l’oblio nelle serrature arrugginite

dei cuori chiusi a pugno.

La speranza di eterno sono solo parole scritte

il caso occupa lo spazio di un punto.

©Regina Resta 


We Are Only Puppets


There are gestures and words

that do not belong to us

Are like notes out of tune

Of a half-hearted score

they have the bitter taste

Of scratches etched on the wall

of invisible hands

that have wounded

the heart with claws of fire.

Impudent specters

caress the memories

Slapping the memory,

everything has a price in life

But we are only puppets

Of flesh and blood maneuvered by

strings of rules and false promises.

©Regina Resta 




Ci sono gesti e parole

che non ci appartengono

sono come note stonate

di uno spartito a metà

hanno il gusto amaro

di graffi incisi sul muro

di mani invisibili

che hanno ferito

il cuore con artigli di fuoco.

Spettri impudenti

accarezzano i ricordi

schiaffeggiando la memoria,

tutto ha un prezzo nella vita

ma siamo solo dei burattini

di carne e sangue manovrati da

fili di regole e false promesse.

©Regina Resta 




REGINA RESTA was born in Castellammare di Stabia (Na), June 20, 1955, poet, literary critic, biologist. She contributes to and writes on several national and foreign literature sites. She has published some of her works in national cultural magazines, including "The Wise", many poems are part of the anthology collections: " Woman...mystery, art" and "Versi Diversi XI and XII edition". Winner of 2nd Prize, for the sylloge: "The Last Dream" at the First International Art Prize Europclub Messina Taormina 2010. 1st Prize with the sylloge "Amore...a chilometro zero" at the 2nd International Art Prize Europclub Messina 2011. Prize of honor "Mario Luzi" award 2010. Prize of merit "Il Saggio -Auletta Terra Nostra" award 2010. Prize of merit XIII and XIV Edition of the Eboli International Poetry Competition. Prize of the Montedit Publishing House- Le Schegge d'oro series (The Prize Books) 2010. Winning poem for National Poetry Prize "IO ESISTO" 2011 by U.I.L.D.M. SEZ. OF OTTAVIANO -Na-. Honorable mention at the 1st National Poetry Competition Taranto "A like love" 2011. Winner of 2nd prize at the 2011 National Literary Competition "Con...versi...amo al Casale "Friends of the Municipal Library of San Salvatore Telesino. Diploma of finalist for the Anthology of the Academy Gioacchino Belli 2011 Rome. In 2015 she received La Targa alla Cultura at the Juan Montalvo Prize with Guaman Jara Allende Neumane, Alessandro Quasimodo, Hafez Haidar.The Centro Lunigianese di Studi Danteschi, manager of the 'Frate Ilaro del Corvo' International Poetry Prize for Universal Peace, appointed her as the 'Frate Ilaro' Ambassador for Peace. She received the 2016 Critics' Award also from the 'Frate Ilaro del Corvo' International Poetry Prize for Universal Peace. Lifetime Achievement Award at the 2018 Aida Abdullaeva Pesaro 'Angeli Prize'. She received the Honorary Degree from the University of Belgrade for Literature in 2020 and the 2020 Lifetime Achievement Award at the International Prize for Literary Art 'The City of Rose' 2020 edition, the Peace Worker Award at the International Prize De finibus terrae VI edition of 'The Beautiful City'.


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