Tuesday, June 1, 2021






Dedicated To Debbie Tosun Kilday's

(National Beat Poetry Foundation, Inc CEO)


I try in vain to describe

The vanity of the fact

Poets try to satisfy their ego

Going after fame

OK it is flattering that people admire you for the way you express your feelings and thoughts

OK it is flattering that you make others wave and shiver with your emerging passion

OK it is appealing that you feel you consonate with so many

You feel that you communicate

You get rid of that tantalizing solitude for a while

I can understand without a comment

I can understand others who offer you their favor and admiration

In your voice, they find something familiar which makes them feel less randomly thrown in the universe

Less like the stones that are thrown by the kids in the meadow

But for God's sake!

Do you really think all these possibilities make you someone important?

OK you wish your voice to be heard

To be sold perhaps

OK, do you really think all these make you a king?

Differentiate you above all others?

Do you feel superior because you attract attention?

I feel only completely and endlessly thankful

Μy fellow stones,

YOU turned all of us, including me, into a sensible compassionate aware creating motivating whole

Just because you have the grace to

Listen to the word

Because you have the patience to listen

YOU turned all of us into real humans

So may poets keep yourselves humble!

You do create

But your word becomes precious thanks to the listeners

You are not the beneficial ones

You are the benefited ones…






Because of a world of consumption

of which I dare to be only one more version


for an era we survived covid-19 enterprise


only to see our owners 'gains exponentially rise


my only hope is to choose the vaccine

to take back my enslaved little life and   

to keep  my rape unseen


changing colors like a rainbow

cos they sell hope on trade

and I accept it

cos I prefer not to lose my precious little habits

instead of fighting for the weaker victims' aid

cos I prefer to keep myself in a hole panicked like rabbit


Human soul users count on my oppressed rage

on my unclear view on my horror

Human soul traders count on my obsession:

I am alone and I can do nothing

I am not worthy of love and paradise

I cannot start my fair revenge

cos life is a compromise

cos human race is doomed to bloodshed and violence

Well, there are a bunch of wise lunatics

They're going to clean the earth!

I've learned something from my clown

How to put on fire others...

In people mind which still undead

They grow and become more conscientious

There are some of the youth my clown taught

Grown to be real actors of justice

They’ll make the difference

You’ll see, they're desperate

But despair feed their thought

My clown nurtures them

I cannot

You'll see

They'll beat down all inhuman from Earth!

They exist...

There must exist among these eyes I feed


Real leaders who respect others and nature

They must exist...

I was like that when I was a child

Some leaders with children's utopias will rise

Then utopias will come true

Just like in fairy tales...




The Embrace


As they are going more and more apart mentally

everything seems useless

The heat and humidity of their nights


Their tools, their bodies

are being deformed

Desire makes sense no longer

Except for some experiences on other levels of consciousness

Some insights, some visions

just before sleep or as soon as she wakes up

However, she feels a tremendous tenderness

no bitterness, no remorse

despite the intermediate unbearable pains

either physical or mental

It is this feeling of endless embrace that they felt together

They both wished to feel it so much!

She will wear it in her last moments

Her mind still can resurrect it as it had been felt then

The hug was given in its entirety

even though they said bitter words afterward

The hug was big and sincere

Absolute need of them both

The hug was all the man asked for, he gave her everything else

And the woman offered it as long as he wished to keep it

As long as he kept it ...

She keeps it forever

Even now sometimes when she finds him cloudy

she opens her arms impulsively, like the sun that aims at bringing sunshine

But in the end, the sun hides behind the clouds ...

It is winter now and the icy pain is lurking like a wolf out there

The woman holds his hug forever

As the last dress for her mortal body

Anyway, she will leave in an embrace...

She will not die alone





CHRYSSAVELISSARIOU: Poet’s profile: Chryssa Velissariou, a published poet and physicist, is the Greece Beat Poet Laureate Lifetime, honored by the National Beat Poetry Foundation, Inc. A co-owner of "Edu-Europe" social enterprise on non-formal education, she is the recipient of the Innovation and Excellence in Education National Greek Award-2011. During 2020-21, a Technical Manager and featured poet in the International Beat Poetry and the Intl NBPF GODDESS Festivals, Chryssa Velissariou’s poems have also been featured in Bronx Book Fair event, 100TCP Europe and Africa, Poets Aloud Ghana, Terpulau Borneo poets, Amaravati Poetic Prism, Corroboree and Independence Airport. She contributed in “From the Ancestors: Poems and Prayers for Future Generations” (35 fabulous poets' book and double CD), NBPF, GODDESS2020, Silkwood, and other American Anthologies.

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