Sunday, May 1, 2016



Way back home
the flower beckoned me
the flower-strikingly beautiful

But the distance.....
the earth stealing wet hopes
the distance hangs heavily on me

climbing confusion
descending despair
circling characters
ascending the sudden silence within
crossing the doubts and fears
enwrapped in saddening absence
calculating the maddening loss
absorbing the hidden truth and gladness
ruminating the ecstasy and agony of
moments of pain and longing
and with faltering faith
the journey unfinished
with a distance unreachable
the distance...

the distance
the distance between myth and reality
the distance between illusion and reality
the distance between fancy and reality
the distance between dream and reality
the distance between naturalness and artificiality

the flower beckons me
the flower once strikingly beautiful
looked surreal now
whispering words of diminishing yellow
the surreal flower
for my eyes were locked in another dimension

with the courage of laughter
and the journey unfinished
I understand
the distance is still the same

Prasanna Kumari

But then...
Monday and me delved deep into oblivion
Time battling with me cried to the bottom of my heart
and we both wept
twilight stole myself and escaped into fluidity
leaving me abscessed
the morning robs all my sobs melting into the wilderness
I heave butterflies
spring brought me a vase of laughter
filled with many things left unsaid
Friday faded into thoughts peeling my fake pretensions
night tickled all hugs and vanished into yesterday
Sunday discarded me blissfully
left me wet and wounded
December from a high pedestal frowns at my confusions
April scattered me with questions on the scorching path
betraying me with slippery promises
Tuesday invoked in me affectionate pranks
sucking my cold and confusions
autumn wishes rustling golden melodies with naughtiness
and novelties
February left a moist impression of known and unknown
emptiness and worthlessness
the wind, as usual, hides in the mind of the trees
breathing memory of cherished times

Oh, to be washed away by destiny in those times
they teach me lessons which I can never learn


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