Monday, January 1, 2024




A Larger Moon


A larger moon

and light which redeems

reminiscences, griefs and yearning,

a moon larger

than you and me

colouring the sky and the open sea,

blending with the stars in the nightfall

and our heart begins to bleed

out of love and effusion for life,

a sturgeon moon defines our world

and makes love, bliss and flowers blossom

If only I could be like cupid’s arrows

beaconing on a star,

sailing overseas and mountains

an eternal castaway of love

right there my moon,

I would lavish the whole world with love,

with light I would beg you

to bathe my dreams.


Memory Lane


Down memory lane

geraniums’ scent

fills the world.

Over them

a blue cloud

colours their bearing

and their fragrance spreads

to cavernous depths.


Through-And-Through Wounds


Through-and-through wounds


the sky

causing the fleeting wings

of joy

to tumble to the ground


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