Monday, January 1, 2024





Woman Of Life And Dreams


Among the rags of everyday life

you looked like Springtime, woman,

I seemed excited

with the birds who chirped

for you, beautiful fantastic daughter


Woman, you told me

that you were born in winter,

but I could only see around you

happy poppies


Your journey began on the Earth

but your traces were lost in the Universe


Your presence was blessed

My heart soared every time your face blossomed

inside my dark days and cleansed them


You always brought to me fruits and flowers

which grew up in a fantasy land

of another planet teeming with life,

of another brighter solar system

light years away from flesh and soul viruses


You’ve always given gifts to me

and I was walking

in the sunny streets

of your love and care,

holding something in my unripe hands


You Are Traveling Into The Universe


You pass through the Universe like the night                                                            

of the fragile atmosphere and fleeting sky

And whatever is more beautiful than darkness and glow

I will find it in your face and in your dark eyes

How soft do you look in the glossy black light

that the Universe launches around you!


A gradation of light, a little more, a larger ray

would have destroyed your anonymous beauty                                                          

that overwhelms my otherworldly visage

It slowly settles on my strange face

where my mournful thoughts dwell


On your reptilian cheeks                                                                                               

and in the eyes these abhorrent

but at the same time sweets

the colors of chaos sparkle

Within your demonic spirit                                                                                                 

peace unleashes

by an innocent “I love you”




Do you remember, darling?

We embarked on our journey

among those little stars

full of new blossoms and hopes

We gazes ahead

toward the far side of the galaxy                                                                              

Hand in hand, we strolled, amid shared dreams,                                                               

shared yearnings, shared apprehensions.                                                                        

We gauged an endless infinity,                                                                            

devoid of conclusion,                                                                                               

until they plummeted upon us,                                                                               

with heedless fervor,                                                                                                 

the radiant beams of a wandering, vagabond Sun                                              

Then, everything transformed                                                                                 

You fled from me frightened                                                                                        

I concealed myself as well within a somber crevice,                                                  

in the cosmic abyss


Wrong Route


My trajectory in the cosmos mustn't be accurate!                                                    

My time unwinds, akin to weary animal                                                              

beneath the shadows  of pycnophyte trees,                                                               

as the relentless Sun scorches them                                                                           

My departure from the haven of your embrace                                                     

carries me far from the moon of felicity

Here in the inhospitable space

alone in the dead-end paths of the stars                                                                       

I walk,on star roads that do not lead

to nowhere but rebellion

of my inner night

I'm drenched in sorrow                                                                                          

Journeying through the depths of silence                                                                     

Soon, my anguish will gallop forth                                                                        

astride the back of Pegasus                                                                                              

I'm aware!                                                                                                                             

My timorous existence traverses an erroneous path                                                     

within the ruthlessly emasculated summer




CHRISTOS DIKBASANIS is a poet, writer and scholar of religions. He was born in Thessaloniki, Greece, where he graduated from the Theological School of the Aristotle University. He holds a Master's Degree from the Theological School with a specialization in Religious Studies. It has also been included in the "Great Encyclopedia of Modern Greek Literature" of Haris Patsi publications and in the “Who's Who” of journalists. He has been honored with many national and international awards for his poems.


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