Friday, March 1, 2024




The greatest of slavery

is the slavery of the flesh


It will hurt a lot

for freedom to happen


* * *


We are pilgrims to each other,

who struggle along different paths

toward the same encounter.

Antoine de Saint-Exupéry


I am so glad

about this journey



So joyful

about this journey



At its end

I will be offered a sip of water

when the earthbound desires

wither away


Standing open before me will be

by me expected World


I shall return


to the Sources


Filled with longing

in them I shall immerse myself


* * *



I rose from the dead

after clinical


After years

of lethargy

and darkness


I shall sow

wheaten seeds

set myself free

from the circle

of Malaise


God’s Time


Time is the father of truth.

François Rabelais


Sonorous raindrops -

changed into golden

grains of life


Heavy smoke in the air

and a dark wall

that one has yet to break


Constantly unquiet hearts

look blindly for illusions

Gray faces on oriental rugs

stay ready for early awakenings


God’s time destroys

God’s time constructs

Counts our hours down


it gladdens with light!




ANNA CZACHOROWSKA was born in Warsaw. She graduated from the Warsaw University. She is a member of Polish Writers’ Union, a member of the Board of Association for the Promotion of Polish Creative Output, a member of PolishAuthors’ Association, a member of Movimiento Poetas del Mundo, and also a member of Slavic Academy of Literature and Arts in Bulgaria. She publisher eightbooks of poetry: I Was the Rose of Your Winter, TouchingHappiness, LoveKnockedat the Door, Before the Sun Descends the Slope,17 Ljóð, In the Anteroom of Dreams, In the Anteroom of Dreams– Polish-English edition, With an Outstretched Wing– Polish-English-Spanish. They were published in numerous Polish poetry anthologies and included in the Anthologies of Polish Authors’ Association. Her poems also appeared in international literary magazines, e.g. in AZAHAR literary magazine in Spain. Her works were translated in to Russian, English, Spanish, Bulgarian, Romanian, Belorussian, Slovak, Serbian, Italian, Greek, Telugu and in to Icelandic (a whole book: 17 Ljóð). In 2016 and 2017, Anna Czachorowska’s poems with Her biographical note were published in the Anthology of World Poets (Una Antologia Anual de Poetas del Mundo). In the years 2018-2021 her poems appeared in Anthologies which were the outcome of Poetry Festivals in Russia, Bulgaria, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia and India. In May 2011, she was awarded the Honorary Decoration for Merit to Polish Culture by the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage. In May 2017, she received Gloria Artis Bronze Medal from the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage. In October 2022, Anna Czachorowska received the Honorary Decoration of Polish Writers’ Union for distinguished service to this organization.


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