Friday, December 1, 2017




This is where eucalyptus trees grew rustling
This is where that cold tea smelt of milk

This is where everything climbed high

Words, ambitions, hopes, joys

An overgrown beach
Trodden grass
not knowing the scratching mowers

A humming sea
Humming clouds harking back to crusades
obelisks walls of Aigues-Mortes

And now we forget
We open the pages of love crusades
We repay debts to carefree nights


Together we will start tomorrow
But what?

We will close the curtains of our eyes
We will unravel the void of carefree days

We will strike them
With a silent glance
They will perish forever


He proposed to

Invisible clouds

In Regent’s Park.

And she

Tangled by a rose muslin

Circled by the sun

Her golden feet

Walked through the glass door

Under the sky suspended

On a steel clock

At the top of Victorian towers

On a misty evening


ANNA MARIA MICKIEWICZ ( is a Polish-born poet, writer and editor who writes both in Polish and in English. Anna moved to California, and then to London, where she has lived for many years. She edits the annual literary magazine PamiętnikLiteracki(TheLiterary Memoir), London, and is a member of English Pen. Her first collection of verse was published in 1985. Since then, publications include short stories and essays Okruchy z OkrągłegoStołu (Breadcrumbs from the Round Table) in 2000 and verse collections Proscenium in 2010 and  London Manuscript, published by Poetry Space, Bristol, in 2014. With Danuta Błaszak she has published an anthology Flying Between Words, Contemporary Writers of Poland (Florida: 2015). Her poetic works have appeared in the following journals in the United States, UK, Australia, Canada and Poland: Akant, PoezjaDzisiaj, Tygiel, Galeria, PamiętnikLiteracki, South Bank Poetry (UK), Kritya, The Exiled Ink (UK), The Screech Owl (UK), Syndic Literary Journal (CA), Lost Coast Review (CA). She has also translated British and American poetry and drama. She is a co-authoress of studies written in an essayistic style.

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