Friday, March 1, 2024





Is there no man in you, no heartbeat?

Don't you carry a soul?

Have you no humanity?

think a little

whose life you wish to take,

whose soil you wish to capture

to you, you appropriate.


Instead of the smell of


let the fragrance of

field flowers.

Show your humanity, be human.

Everyone has the right to life.

Assemble the dice in that inhumanity of yours, free your soul

from anger that gathered in you.

Be human, to each other, show kindness, respect,

regardless of religion and nation.

Everyone should feel it,

your humanity

because with her the world would be free!




The recklessness of some imbeciles,

tainted with barbarism,

with blood fluid.



We don't want wars!

Freedom throughout the world to reign,

for God lives,

one life is given to everyone.

May everyone have a peaceful sleep,

in harmony to remain,

all countries in the world.

For fused together, and it is not possible, it may be possible.

Freedom is the most sacred thing

that people want to have


A Wanderer


I wander through paths


I wander for tenderness

for freedom,

for life...


I got tired, locked in the cage,

like a quail bird

what freedom requires.


I wander longingly

to touch you

how can i ever caress you

and I cling to your embrace

and sleep peacefully.


Will this be wandering end?

, suffocation, without air,

longing for sunshine

for light

for life, the way we lived

in freedom we grieved and laughed


Will you sleep..!!!

I wonder..!!


I wander both day and night

to find the way out

to show him the way

to the intruder, to leave

without returning again






Let me wander no more

through the ignorant sleeplessness

to live in freedom

and let him not return


You and I, let's be together

the freedom of life we see again.




MILKA MINKOVA: Poet and writer for children and adults. For her work, she has received numerous domestic and foreign awards, including the Rabindranath Tagore Award three years in a row. She participates and is represented in numerous domestic and foreign anthologies.


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