Monday, May 1, 2023





In  today’s pathetic situation

Compassion  is  the only remedy

To  bring  peace  and harmony

Let the compassion stem

from  your    inner  self

We  can’t  brush  off  the

universal  violence  and  tyranny

by  ignoring  it

or calling it a political issue

or dismissing  it  casually

This  is  the  high  time

for  social  and mental  mutation

Compassion  makes us  feel

the  sufferings  of  others

So  fosters  a  generous  mindset

that  thinks  for  others.

We  should  come  out  of   our  tunnel  vision

and  move  ahead  to  help other  

and  feel their  pain  along with ours    

Mindfulness  is an essential   component of  compassion

 Compassion    is  sort

of    Emotional    healing

And  emotional well-being !


Life Is Exuberant


Nature often tells us

‘Successful’  or to be ‘unsuccessful’

is the part of life

Every unsuccessful effort

hides  the  rays  of  success

But we hardly listen to

beautiful & rich Nature around us

See the rising sun in the east every day

At the end of the day, it goes down,

Sets at the horizon  and

slowly  sinks  down.

Sun  sets  in the evening  every day

it  conveys us that tomorrow it will rise

with  a  fresh  morning,

fill the world with sunshine,

Will  make everyone lively & chirpy.

So sinking and rising

is the cycle of life

One should not be dishearten

when one goes down and  face  failures

because coming times

do have  a bright & sunny days

in  their  store  for  us !


Throbbing  Wilderness


There is a cheerful wilderness in me

No one  is  aware  of  it

For a long time,  it has been

Throbbing  and  alive

A  saga  is  hidden in this loneliness

There is a warp of memories.

That's my precious treasure

When  sorrows  overpower me

Past  time  gets  enlivened



Lonely wilderness  is my friend,

An  unending  story  of  life

Only  this  wilderness  has really

Realized  and  felt  my  agony

It  is the  constant companion

of  happiness and  sorrows

from moment  to  moment

It  has  no other place  to  live



In the wilderness there is

A  dim  underground  cell

In  the  cell,  there  is

A  quiet  pagan

Where a small earthen lamp

keeps  on Illuminating all the time

It is  the  wealth  treasure of  mine  !




Dr. DEEPTI GUPTA: (India) An established writer,  a  Former Professor  and  Former  Educational  Advisor  in Ministry  of  HRD,  recipient  of  ‘Great  Global Woman  Award’ 2021  along with  Eighteen  prestigious  National  and  Six International  awards ,  author  of  25  books  (Poetry & Prose both) .  Her stories and  poems  got the  honour  to be  the  part of  university  and  school  syllabus  in  25 states   of  India, as well as  out of  India  in  Dubai,  Sharjah,  Milan,  and  Abu Dhabi . Her poems have been published in national and international anthologies.

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