Tuesday, August 1, 2023





Internal calm

more important than emotions

is in everyone's heart

just too deep for some

and they can't

bring it out


They prefer to get off the train

for fear of too much


and wither slowly


Before The Sun Blows

The Stars Away


When on the stretcher of the starry sky

the full moon shines,

I look at the screen that lights up

The darkness of the soul,

when thoughts do not sleep.


I click the words hidden under the heart,

looking for a poem that gives warmth,

so that before the eyes with a thousand of emotions,

the feeling of happiness could quiver once more.


I still have a hint of uncertainty in my mind

whether one day I shall reach the Parnassus of poetry,

on time, before the candle of life in me goes out

and then when I shall be silent, shall the wind rustle?!


I cannot leave much behind

just a few lines and a period, maybe

which will either crown or finish up my story,

when the pain shall overcome the body.


One-Third Frozen


In the mind’s fog

I stumble over the air

that thickens when I dress life in moments

improvised by words: someday, perhaps,

for sure not today.


On the carpet of memories

I leave no trace.

With a lightning rod of happiness

I catch compulsive grimace

heading towards the wisdom of those

who knew that they knew nothing.


And I thank God

that in one third He rewrote me

and in the remaining rest

left me in the original. 




KATARZYNA DOMINIK: Born in 1982. Historian, graduate of doctoral studies, publicist, writer, poet. Laureate of literary, poetic and photographic competitions. A propagator and an ambassador of the DKMS Base of Stem Cell Donors Poland as well as an animator of local culture and a promoter of regional tradition. An activist of the Association of former Bone Marrow Transplantation Patients in Katowice, the Foundation “Lokujmy w Dobro” (Let's invest in Good), the Association of Polish Authors O/Warszawa II (Warsaw) and the John Paul II Association of Polish Writers in Chicago, as well as a co-founder and a member of the Tilia Literary Association and a member of the "Rubikon" Literary Club. Publications in numerous poetry magazines. A historian by profession, but a writer by passion. An author of numerous scientific and historical publications and fifteen different author's poetry volumes.


Urodzona w 1982 roku. Historyk, absolwentka studiów doktoranckich, publicystka, pisarka, poetka. Laureatka konkursów literackich, poetyckich oraz fotograficznych. Propagatorka i ambasadorka DKMS Bazy Dawców Komórek Macierzystych Polska oraz  animatorka lokalnej kultury i krzewicielka regionalnej tradycji. Działaczka Stowarzyszenia Pacjentów Po Przeszczepie Szpiku Kostnego w Katowicach, Fundacji Lokujmy w Dobro, Stowarzyszenie Autorów Polskich O/Warszawa II oraz Zrzeszenia Literatów Polskich im. Jana Pawła II w Chicago, a także współzałożycielka i członkini Stowarzyszenia Literackiego Tilia, członkini Klubu Literackiego „Rubikon”. Publikacje w licznych czasopismach poetyckich. Z zawodu historyk, ale z zamiłowania pisarka. Autorka licznych publikacji naukowych i historycznych oraz 15 tomików autorskich.


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