Tuesday, October 1, 2024




Gerineldo’s Tower


In this tower so sad and faded

Gerineldo spends his days polished

Dreaming, while he jerks off freely:

“How beautiful the lady will be

That she will sleep, one day

And  forever, with me.”

Here he has been locked up

By a cuckolded king

Because he went too far

With the beautiful queen, his wife

That being sick one day

He, like a good Samaritan

The chastity cord opened her

With his long tongue

Around twelve thirty at noon

When the king was hunting

Through the Gorges of the Riaza River

North of the province of Segovia

Among the towns of Maderuelo

And Montejo de la Vega de la Serrezuela

With some men from Moradillo

Taking him between her legs

Making him her husband.

What a beautiful picture!

What a sad picture!

Seeing Gerineldo today

Capping cicadas

Marrying flies with bumblebees

Toads with lizards

And, in the cold of every night

Bring the bees and wasps

Milk milked from bats

That live in caves, today wineries.

At dawn, when the sun rises

You see only one eye peek out

Through the crack in the tower.

It is from Gerineldo who looks, amazed

To the women of the town

Coming to take the first piss

Standing or squatting

For watering flowers, poppies and thistles

Before taking the morning walk

Required by their family doctor.

Thanks to the freshness of the morning

And the fragrance of flowers

Gerineldo, with pleasure, has come

Thinking of his beloved queen.

At will, he has hit his head

Against the stone wall

And he has fallen asleep, once again.

Through the crack in the tower

A voice comes out that only they hear

The females that pass by, who say:

Beautiful lady, I would sleep with you.

Never a better occasion.

Your husband is hunting ¡


The Belly Crush


She and Me walked the Marina D'Or’ streets

In Oropesa del Mar

Looking forward to finding an open restaurant

Where to do our belly

Well, a cramp had come over us.

Shortly after arriving from Benicassím

To visit it and have some coffees with pincho

That must have made us feel bad.

The cramp hit us so hard

That we had to do our job

Between two parked cars

In front of the Magic Garden.

We did our job so well

Well came to congratulate us

Some pigeons and a peacock

Sent by the King of Heaven

That he is the only one

Who gives us health and protection.

A certain Isidro, waiter in Bello Horizonte

That saw us wipe our asses

Was amazed seeing two asses

And a single shitted turd

Marching for joy crying

To tell his roommate

That these two shitties

They had to be holy

Well some pigeons and a peacock

Have come to congratulate their belly

Which is a beauty.


Looking For Snails

And Other Animals


There are my grandchildren Kylian and Eder

Looking for snails, cobblers, earwigs

And other animals that hide

Among the plants, herbs and flowers.

They don't want anyone to help them

To do their fun job.

These children are animal lovers

Keeping them in a plastic box

With all their love accordingly

Which they keep in their backpack with care.

The mother barely approaches:

-Show me, children, what you have found.

-Mom, look, we have two snails

Three shoemakers, two earwigs, one slug

And a dung beetle.

Aren't they very pretty?

-My children, you must take good care of them.

For, later, leave them back in the grass

And let them return to its life and procreation.

Children couldn't stop looking at them

And touching them

With great satisfaction.

Kylian, the eldest, wanted to gather

An earwig with a snail

And Eder the slug with the dung beetle.

-Mom, they don't want to get married

Children said.

-Get them out of the box soon

And let them live its natural lives.

The children did so, and their mother

Joyful and happy, told them with love:

-You see? They are already saved.




DANIEL DE CULLA: Writer, poet, painter and photographer. Member of the Collegiate Association of Spanish Writers, Earthly Writers International Caucus, Poets of the World, (IA) International Authors, Surrealism Art, Friends of The Blake Society, Nietzsche Circle and others. Director of Gallo Tricolor Review and Robespierre Review. He has participated in numerous Poetry and Theater Festivals, has collaborated and collaborates with various magazines and newspapers such as: Otoliths; The Stray Branch, Down in the Dirt Magazine, Allien Buddha Zine, The Poet Magazine, Uppagus, ReSite, GloMag, Fleas on the Dog, LAROLA, RAL'M, Misery Tourism, Leavings, The Creative Zine, Terror House Press; and other national ones: Pluma y Tintero, Letras de Parnaso, Revista Azahar, Cultura de Veracruz; Vericuetos,  Sol Cultural Center, etc.


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